For some reason you have this fetish with the Tories even if they are the ones who has caused this backlog. It seems like for you, it doesn't matter if it looks like duck, quacks like duck and walks like duck, you will only accept it is a duck when the duck itself comes to you saying "I'm a duck". Well good luck with that. I'm sure majority of the forum members don't share your views.
Msafiri said:
I'm presenting the facts as they are - it could be useful if you do the same instead of going on about logic and plight. Maybe you can back up the 90% of RQs?
No you’re not. You provide 3 different unrelated events and try connecting them through a loose thread. When Liberals were helpful in decreasing the required test pass score, you say it as though their actions are detrimental to the immigrant communities. Now that’s what I call a spin. When there were no complaints of backlogs until 2006 when liberals were in power and it all started to happen when Jason Kenney the immigration minister went on public saying, “Canadian Citizenship is not up for sale! There would be a total 3000+ applicants who would have their citizenship revoked”. In reality less than 30 people were convicted and that’s not even 1% of the total 3000+ applications re-evaluated. Many here would accept with me that the dreaded term Residency Questionnaire was first widely used for the first time from that point onwards, around 2009. So, yeah I have obvious proof. If you choose not to see it, then none of it is my problem.
Msafiri said:
If you re-read my post again I state the Liberals set in place the trigger for an increased PR inventory by lowering the pass mark - fact.
Even a layman would say liberal’s action was in favour of the immigrant communities and not detrimental to them. The discover Canada guide although so informative has information that practically in no way would help you to relate to the current Canadian society. Do you think native Canadians know who the last recipient of Victoria Cross is? Heck more than half of them don't care what Victoria Cross is. In that context Liberals brought down the test pass mark.
Msafiri said:
The successive Tory governments whether a minority or majority never changed the pass mark so the inventory kept growing - fact. Once the Tory majority came in the FSW was put on hold to deal with this inventory (in lieu of more resource) - fact. The increased PR inventory by default leads to an increased citizenship applicant pool - fact (especially given that you can apply with basic residency).
How come there were not a single mumble of backlog until 2006 when liberals were in power, but all started past 2009 after Jason Kenney’s ramp walk in the TV? Then how is it possible to relate this problem to liberals who were in power more than 3 years ago? Just why don't you accept that the tories didn’t respond to the volume of citizenship applications appropriately and in fact acted counter-productive by cutting staff in that department. There’s no use in having this conversation with you if you ask proof for that too.
Msafiri said:
There hasn't been an increasing match in resource to process this citizenship pool - fact.
and still that’s not the Tories’ fault? Gee . . . Why am I bothering to educate you on this problem
Msafiri said:
The Tories got their majority last time by winning Ontario big. These wins were given to them by ethnic voters - if this 'group' were to vote the same way in 2015 then the Tories get back in majority power assuming they carry their traditional strongholds.
That’s what you’re wishing for. See how many citizens’ friends, wives, kids and families are stuck up in this limbo. If I ran the conservative party I would think if this is good for the party.
Msafiri said:
If I follow you then maybe all the posters who are in the 'ethnic' demographic can ask those citizens of the same background that voted for the Tories last time round and gave them the majority to do as they pleased including CIC under the helm of JK spiking up RQs in 2012 (OB 407) not to do so this time because they are holding them back from getting their citizenship in a fast time!
yes please feel free to follow me. This is a democratic country and votes are how the people speak to their governments.
Msafiri said:
Most citizens are quite happy with the 'lets make them wait while we check them out to make sure there is no fraud etc' approach presented by the government. I think we all agree that the process can achieve both integrity (for all but especially the citizen vote) and acceptable process times for the increasingly frustrated PRs.
first statement in this entire post of you that I can totally agree with you.
Msafiri said:
1. The application fees must rise substantially to employ more resource as frankly its way too low - (many will easily spend 200 bucks on a night out/ at the mall).
Don't think so. Explain me how CIC got the funding to run the Ads on warning the marriages for convenience. Not that I'm against the Ads but I don't like the fact that people can’t put the money where their mouth is. The ads run on every major Canadian web site, CBC, immigration website. Let me ask how many 100 millions were spent on that? Yet we’re only short of 44 millions to appropriately address the citizenship backlog problem.
Msafiri said:
2. CIC must deal with the test issue as the process holding step. Easiest way is to make the test a pre-application step whilst ensuring integrity/ candidate identity. This cuts the inventory by making sure only those passing apply...why have thousands in line to wait for a judge hearing due to failed tests? CIC effectively admit this with the new re-test policy.
wonderful idea, I agree with you on this.
Msafiri said:
3. Biometrics/ fingerprints to speed up security/ background/ criminal/ immigration checks.
4. Streamline/improve the 'check' process - why does it take 3 days to process urgent PR Card renewals? Are checks not carried out for this to make sure the applicant isn't a danger to the public?
how would they have money for this alone?
Msafiri said:
5. Parliament needs to make the residence requirement a physical residence period. At the same time they should impose misrepresentation penalties/ consequences for make false statements in the citizenship application. Its unreal that you could get jail time for not paying a transit fine but get off free for lying on the application.
I do not totally accept with you! There’s gross negligence and then there honest mistakes. Your statement is generalizing everything.
Msafiri said:
6. The residence period needs to be increased subject to a service standard processing time with ombudsman oversight. CIC are de-facto making the qualifying period 5 years as things stand in line with other major G8 countries.
what good is that going to make? Not that I'm against it, I want to know why you’re recommending it? Is it because other countries are following it, so we have to? Then this statement isn’t strong enough in compelling people to implement it.
Msafiri said:
7. Requiring tax records or access via providing SIN to verify employment/ self employment. By the way unemployed/ self employed citizenship applicants face additional scrutiny in many countries so its not special to Canada as some RQd applicants seem to imply.
like this is not happening now? By the way why cut loose the unemployeds and self-employeds, because you’ve never been in any of those categories? That’s selfish. There are a whole bunch of PRs in this forum who are in either of these 2 categories. In my opinion they too need a fair, reliable process that holds both applicants and CIC accountable.
Msafiri said:
Bottom line is that the rot set in with the Liberals and continues with the Tories..who is to blame? I think most people don't care they just want some one to fix it!!
People care on who brought this mess on them. When liberals were in power, applicants got their citizenships in 6 months time frame on the average, when they enquired on the status of their applications (most of them were never required to check) they got reliable information and they were given a fair treatment. Tories brought in this mess and people need to know that. You can be a wiling victim for the tory’s cause (whatever that cause may be), but don't fight the discerning differences between right and wrong!