I am a prejun 2010 applicant and have been on this forum for a while, I really appreciate the way people support each other. I am frustrated as you guys because of the endless waiting. However, things are getting worse in my case now. I am tired of waiting, so I decided to take a look at CEC. When I went through the applications I applied on 2010/04. I found some mistakes in background/declaration form. For one, my temporary resident visa application was rejected once because some stupid reasons, I got it when I reapply it again. And I didn't read the following question carefully, "been refused refugee status in, or immigration or permanent residency visa or visitor or temporary resident visa to". So I checked No. For sure, they will find out this mistakes through visa office. Another issue in my application is about personal history part. When I was filling in a form, I asked about my friend how to fill up this part, my friend told me that just fill in the activities that you have done for more than 3 months. Now I realized that it isn't the case, I have to put in all the events happened since I was 18 years old. So I left out many activities, such as business trip oversea for 2 months, conference oversea. I was so worried, can I correct these mistakes? Please seniors advise. Please!!!