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Buffalo App - AOR Time and other silly App question


Apr 29, 2008
First off I have found this site very useful and informative - thanks to the senior members for their advice and patience.

On to my situation. I am a US citizen applying for Skilled Worker PR with intention of pursuing a preferred lifestyle in BC. I applied through the Buffalo office, my application arrived March 14 (FedEx delivery confirmation).

1) I am following www.trackitt.com and see that current AOR times are about 2 months, thus I should not be expecting it yet. My anxiety arises because I was away on vacation (to BC, ironically) for two weeks, and arrived home yesterday to find my mail had been stolen. Please reassure me that the consulate has not become freakishly efficient in the last month, and sent my AOR in the stolen mail! In the event that the AOR was stolen, any thoughts on how to go about finding out? Do I simply wait and worry for ages? What if my app was returned for incompleteness or somesuch, and I will never know because it was stolen? These are probably groundless worries, but I seek some feedback.

2) A question presented itself to me when I filled out the application form itself. By this I mean the 2-page IMM0008 "Application for Permanent Residence". Now, the checklist and instructions I used were very firm that one should be sure to sign everything. However the Application form does not have a signature block! I used the downloadable form available from CIC (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdf) . Unsure what to do, I wrote up an affidavit that all information was correct and true, and signed that. Maybe overkill? Oh well, I thought it was odd and wondered if anyone else had felt the same thing.



Star Member
Jul 7, 2007
Hi BCGirl,

1) First off your concerns are genuine cos I understand how impatient it feels till the time we receive the first intimation from CIC.If you applied on the 14th of march 08 plase rest assured that no way you are going to get the AOR by May end. As you said you are following the time line and have a brief idea. The consulate has not become that efficient yet so relax.Coming to your nightmare!!!lets say someone lost their mail.In such a case I thing the person should wait for atleast 3-4 months and then write letters, send faxes to the consulate with the copies of application sent and the passport details. The consulate sure will be having the information based on the passport number and they can send the information.There is a solution to most of the problems and rest assured this is not going to be your case but do make sure that the mail doesn't get stolen when you are in the city!!!!

2) To answer your second question there is no place to sign on the form you are talking about I did not sign any form not even the other form where it says you need to sign in the presence of a visa officer.I did not send any affidavit.I followed the instructions on checklist and the guidelines to fill the forms.If you have sent the affidavit it's good.Overkill is better than being in two minds. So you are good.

Rest assured and think positive....you have a long way to go and you will get your AOR by 3rd or 4th week of May.

Good luck,



Apr 29, 2008
Thanks AP, I was pretty sure I was fretting over nothing, but I wanted reassurance.

Well, back to the usual waiting!