thanks canadiangirl for this thread and to everyone else sharing!!!
can i ask what's the bag u r talking abt?? does the cat have air :

(sorry if it sounds silly but i'm so new to all this) definately i don't think he can come with us in the cabin - he can b soo noisy and mweau the whole way; they might do emergency landing and throw us out the plane

plus he's already 5kg and hard to hold :

so cargo is the only option, good bad, scary, less scary, better than no option at all
as for ur initial question i studied this link carefully
it costs just 30$ and it needs just the rabies vaccination up to date (if he does not have it they will do it there for extra charge); but he needs the rabies only if he comes from non rabies-free countries; if he comes from rabies-free then he won't need even that
what i also want to know maybe any of u know; if the cat has some health conditions non-transmisible would i need a paper from the vet stating that? our cat was born with some type of asthma (that's from one diagnostic, hopefully in canada they will say he has nothing); usually he's fine, sometimes he takes treatment but he is a normal cat; still the dry air from the plane maybe will make him caugh, who knows and they will think he's a danger to society :

could this make them keep him in quarantine? how would i avoid that? thank u
extra info: the cat was born outside canada