To tie up a few loose ends:
1) There is a box in your tax return which you must tick to declare whether or not you have $100,000 plus offshore. There is a schedule where you declare what type(s) of offshore investments you have. Quicktax brings this up automatically for you. The schedule does not ask you where the investments are (not yet anyway!

On the appropriate line in your General return, you simply declare zero foreign-investment income.
No problem.
Of course, if you are audited, you will be required to show proof of zero income. So, this leads to jes_on's point that surely these offshore investment companies must provide statements. Yes and no. Yes, they will provode statements of the worth of your investment, but in tax havens there is no reason to show whether investment income is in the form of interest, dividends, or capital gains. Taxpayers are keen to declare income to be capital gains, to keep taxes low. CRA has a vested interest in declaring the income interest (highest tax rate). So you see the potential for conflict.
What I do is deal with an investment company (banks actually) that allows me to call up my investment online(I could never wait for a quarterly statement), and call up a transaction report that shows dividends received, capital gains generated, expenses paid, etc.
I save the transaction report with my copy of the tax return in case CRA came calling. I would drop transaction data into an Excel spreadsheet, and input the net income (of all three types) into my QUICKTAX program. I'd consider filing this Excel spreadsheet with my tax return (on the principle that more information is better for CRA).
Note I am saying "would do this", "would do that". It is because I am not yet a Canadian taxpayer; I will become one again only if my wufe is granted a visa. While living abroad has its joys and problems, becoming freed from the need to work as an unpaid file clerk for CRA was a definite joy!!!