Hi there, I wanna submit my bowp asap. because my time is running out same as yours. I filled up all necessary information on my on-line profile to apply for it and in next step I have got a Document checklist. Everything seems fine to me, but one of the document what I have to upload there is a "Itineraty, Travel". I have no an idea what going on whit this document. Probably it seems like that I have to add some a copy of my fly ticket or what ever. I don't understand why, if I have applied for PR, now I wanna extend my stay through the BOWP, so I don't need buy any ticket to fly away, that's actually reason why I do it!!!
Pl. I would like to ask if did you have same a similar or same document checklist with your application, and if yes, can you explain me what did u add to this column.
Thanks to your answer.