Agree. What I'm saying is that make sure everything in your LOE for BOWP is the same (to the extent that it was included in your LOE for PR). You are right, you don't have to mention every single thing you talked about in your LOE for PR. Here are some things I'm including:TECC_Seneca said:Sorry! My understanding is the LOE for BOWP is just to provide any additional explanation for your BOWP and not your initial PR. Don't you think they will cross reference anyway because we will provide the AOR? I mean if my give the LOE same as the that for my PR, I will have to attach all the other documents too and I am thinking this is redundant. What do you think?
1) Full Work History as in the Form IMM5710, they only give you 3 spaces to complete 'Work History'
2) Copy of Working Permit
3) Copy of language results
4) Copy of current employment contract
Will let you know if I think of anything else. Another thing, are you printing out form IMM5710 and signing it? Or are you just going to upload with electronic signature?