I have a bridge open work permit till September 2022 and my visa is EXPIRED and I'm planning to visit the US for 4 days. I have a few questions.
1. Can I travel to the US and come back to Canada with an expired visa and Valid work permit?
2. What happens if I receive a portal email while I'm in the US? can I respond to them when I return back to Canada?
3. Can I travel to the US and return to Canada with a COPR?
4. What happens if I travel to the US after submitting the portal documents and waiting for COPR? If the answer to question 1 is yes, will I be allowed on a work permit?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!!
I have a bridge open work permit till September 2022 and my visa is EXPIRED and I'm planning to visit the US for 4 days. I have a few questions.
1. Can I travel to the US and come back to Canada with an expired visa and Valid work permit?
2. What happens if I receive a portal email while I'm in the US? can I respond to them when I return back to Canada?
3. Can I travel to the US and return to Canada with a COPR?
4. What happens if I travel to the US after submitting the portal documents and waiting for COPR? If the answer to question 1 is yes, will I be allowed on a work permit?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!!