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BREAKING NEWS - Canadian Government Slashes Backlog



News Release – Government of Canada transforms economic immigration program

Ottawa, March 30, 2012 — To create a fast and flexible immigration system that creates jobs and promotes Canada’s long term prosperity, the Government of Canada will eliminate the backlog in the main federal economic immigration program.

“The Federal Skilled Worker Program backlog is a major roadblock to Canada’s ability to respond to rapidly changing labour market needs,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. “Having to process applications that are as many as eight years out of date reduces our ability to focus on new applicants with skills and talents that our economy needs today.”

As announced in Economic Action Plan 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada is planning to refund fees and return stale applications from nearly all those applicants who applied under the dated criteria in existence before February 27, 2008.

CIC is transforming its suite of economic immigration programs to create a just-in-time system that recruits people with the right skills to meet Canada’s labour market needs, fast tracks their immigration, and gets them working in a period of months, not years. Eliminating the longstanding backlog of FSW applications will allow the Department to focus resources on facilitating the arrival of skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria.

Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage – approximately 20,000 people – CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.

Over the last decade, the number of FSW applications received has greatly exceeded the space available within the Immigration Levels Plan each year, resulting in long processing times and an increasing inventory. Under the 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration, CIC began to limit intake to priority occupations. The Department added caps to the number of new applications in 2010. As a result of these efforts, CIC has reduced the pre-2008 backlog by more than 50 percent, and the overall FSW inventory by over 25 percent. However, without further action, some FSW applicants might have to wait until 2017 for a decision.

“It’s unreasonable to keep applicants waiting for another five years,” said Minister Kenney. “It’s also a far cry from the nimble and responsive immigration system Canada needs to remain a destination of choice."



Notice – Questions and answers: Changes that affect Federal Skilled Worker applications

Q1. Why do you propose removing the FSW backlog?
Canada needs to select immigrants who are ready, willing and able to fully integrate into Canada’s labour market and fill gaps in our economy, particularly where we have existing skills shortages.

The large backlog of applications that has accumulated under the Federal Skilled Worker Program is impeding the responsiveness of Canada’s immigration system.

Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their application processed in Canada.

Economic Action Plan 2012 therefore proposes to return applications and refund fees paid by certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied under previous criteria established prior to February 27, 2008.

Removing the backlog of FSW applications will allow CIC to focus on bringing in skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria and are more suited for shortages in Canada’s economy today.

Q2. Would I be affected if CIC removes the FSW backlog?
Under the proposed changes, CIC would close Federal Skilled Worker applicants’ files if they:

applied before February 27, 2008, and
have not had a decision made by an immigration officer based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. (information on selection criteria is below)
We expect this would affect around 280,000 people including dependents.

If the proposed law is passed, CIC would begin to return the full amount of fees paid by affected FSW applicants.

Q3. Is there any reason I would not get my refund?
The proposed changes are intended to be retroactive to March 29, 2012. If an immigration officer had refused your application based on selection criteria before that date, you will not get a refund.

Q4. What does a "decision based on selection criteria" mean?
A "decision based on selection criteria" means that an immigration officer:

has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, and
has made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.
Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the person’s:

ability in English and/or French
work experience
whether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment), and
how well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada).
If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canada.

If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.

Q5. How would I get my refund?
More details on the proposed change will be announced soon. Once the proposal is approved through Parliament, CIC will begin to return the fees.

Details will be available on the CIC website.

Q6. What options would I have if my application is removed from the backlog?
If your file is closed by CIC, you may re-apply under the current FSW criteria. If you have the skills Canada needs now, your application would likely be processed much faster – new FSW applications are processed within 6-12 months.



Hero Member
Dec 3, 2011
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Passport Req..
August 2013
August 2013
September 2013
@ Everybody
Will this affect the people who already have been selected through other PNP programe recently?


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2010
Job Offer........
No, FSW- PNP applicants are not affected by this new measure.



Hero Member
Dec 3, 2011
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April 2012
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July 2013
March 2012
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June 2012
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June 2012
Passport Req..
August 2013
August 2013
September 2013
SFD said:
No, FSW- PNP applicants are not affected by this new measure.

explorer101 said:
It is not applicable to PNP programe
@SFD link & explorer101
Thanks for the goodnews, because l applied FSW Dec 2007, and till now no document updates, so when
l notice they where not sounding serious about processing backlog, l choose the PNP/QUEBEC pathway and I have long been selected for that, so while the devil was closing one door, God open a bigger one for me...THANK GOD!!!


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
mitali said:
This is truly a very sad news for these unfortunate applicants......I have no word of solace or comfort.

I just hope they get the strength to overcome this heart wrenching news of a lifetime. :(

Indeed :(

This is a real cop-out from CIC. I wish I could get the next 280,000 items in my work queue and just scrap them. Make my job a lot easier for the next few years......


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
dhnenan said:
in the first line it reads as " a plan"

I feel its not implemented...

If its implemented I will loose my seven years..... and I am not going to get it back....
My file in their possession has turned yellow so they are just returning it back....

This is total injustice to all the applicant prior to feb 2008
On the CIC web site it says it is proposed legislation. Once it has been legislated, they will retrospectively apply it to any pre-Feb-2008 that has not yet received an eligibility decision before 29th March 2012.

So although it is technically a proposal, it reads like it's just red tape to get through.

The reality with that announcement is that it is very much a done deal :(



Star Member
Jun 24, 2011
torontonian999 said:
Notice – Questions and answers: Changes that affect Federal Skilled Worker applications

Q1. Why do you propose removing the FSW backlog?
Canada needs to select immigrants who are ready, willing and able to fully integrate into Canada's labour market and fill gaps in our economy, particularly where we have existing skills shortages.
Thanks for this. Very informative.


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2008
Job Offer........
I need to clear one thing at the onset, that my comment is actually in response to the scrapping (as if some dirt.... :( ) of Pre 2008 applicants and the simultaneous news of Credential evaluation.

I agree in principle about Credential Evaluation, but CIC knew from the very beginning that Credential evaluation is a must ....one does not need to be a rocket scientist to understand that. If you and I can make this simple assessment, then why not CIC? ....what took them so long to implement it......passing regulations/laws at the Parliament? ???

They have known for more than a decade atleast, that DOCTORS DRIVE TAXI in Canada and that a passenger in a cab would be lucky to have a heart attack in a cab...because the taxi driver could be a DOCTOR and provide treatment on the street (with his Credentials that were not acknowledged and accepted by Canada)!!!!!! :eek:

The " initial rush of applicants" may not be apparent when the Cap opens (if at all) but can anyone deny that this "rush" would show up at some point of time? CIC got a month's time with the MI2 (for introducing IELTS)...so what was CREDIBLE or beneficial in that change...."nothing". Did any of the applicants gain anything....nothing. Look at the BUFFALO applicants....... their timelines.......isn't it atrocious? :eek: Similar is the case with Pakistani applicants....I am truly worried about the long time being set aside for Pakistani applicants in the name of "Security assessment" ....they are clueless as to what is going on with their applications and now they are also at the brink of thinking in similar manner - If Canada would scrape them too? :( :( :(

The hope meted out to some lucky Pre 2008 applicant for PNP programs is in no way any SOLACE to the one who has not been chosen for the same. The dreams of the unlucky one has shattered. I am just wondering if these applicants have to undergo the Credential evaluation? ::)

The credential evaluation might have streamlined CIC but the applicants have now another thing to worry about for their applications to get the green signal or should I say the yellow signal? ???

Unfortunately, even after credential evaluation, applicants might have to go through the same fate as their previous counterparts. Credential evaluation is not the GUARANTEE for a job in the applicants' own Profession. If there had been a guarantee of "SURE JOB" then it would have been commendable....but the state of affairs of the applicants would remain the same....despite evaluation at the entry point of the application.....so IMO, this is another means to generate revenue.

I am merely pointing at the fact that whatever Canada decides regarding Credential evaluation, which is now, almost official and mandatory; Canada would continue to earn REVENUE at any cost irrespective of an applicants' success or failure at getting the PR.

What is unethical in my view is when Canada needed immigrants to fill their labor jobs (sorry to say that, but is true :(), they invited tens and thousands of applicants and now when their need is over (or seems to be over; or they cannot MANAGE the inventory ) they just scrape applications with a click of fingers.......they made it look so easy and straight forward..... :( :( :(

I am sure CIC must have had their reasons and every major decision is in the betterment of the Country ( I hope so). Immigration Canada is re-vamping itself......that's absolutely fair and just, not only for the country but also for the applicant and is ofcourse Good news.

I just hope they deal with the applications more humanely instead of treating them (as they just did with the Pre 2008 applicants) as just " MUTE SHEAF OF PAPER" ,which being invisible to CIC, has been twined with lots of hope and aspirations.

I again Pray for those unfortunate applicants....may they find the strength to stand up and FIGHT if REQUIRED.



Star Member
Jan 11, 2012
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Not Yet
Not Yet
mitali said:
I need to clear one thing at the onset, that my comment is actually in response to the scrapping (as if some dirt.... :( ) of Pre 2008 applicants and the simultaneous news of Credential evaluation.

I agree in principle about Credential Evaluation, but CIC knew from the very beginning that Credential evaluation is a must ....one does not need to be a rocket scientist to understand that. If you and I can make this simple assessment, then why not CIC? ....what took them so long to implement it......passing regulations/laws at the Parliament? ???

They have known for more than a decade atleast, that DOCTORS DRIVE TAXI in Canada and that a passenger in a cab would be lucky to have a heart attack in a cab...because the taxi driver could be a DOCTOR and provide treatment on the street (with his Credentials that were not acknowledged and accepted by Canada)!!!!!! :eek:

The " initial rush of applicants" may not be apparent when the Cap opens (if at all) but can anyone deny that this "rush" would show up at some point of time? CIC got a month's time with the MI2 (for introducing IELTS)...so what was CREDIBLE or beneficial in that change...."nothing". Did any of the applicants gain anything....nothing. Look at the BUFFALO applicants....... their timelines.......isn't it atrocious? :eek: Similar is the case with Pakistani applicants....I am truly worried about the long time being set aside for Pakistani applicants in the name of "Security assessment" ....they are clueless as to what is going on with their applications and now they are also at the brink of thinking in similar manner - If Canada would scrape them too? :( :( :(

The hope meted out to some lucky Pre 2008 applicant for PNP programs is in no way any SOLACE to the one who has not been chosen for the same. The dreams of the unlucky one has shattered. I am just wondering if these applicants have to undergo the Credential evaluation? ::)

The credential evaluation might have streamlined CIC but the applicants have now another thing to worry about for their applications to get the green signal or should I say the yellow signal? ???

Unfortunately, even after credential evaluation, applicants might have to go through the same fate as their previous counterparts. Credential evaluation is not the GUARANTEE for a job in the applicants' own Profession. If there had been a guarantee of "SURE JOB" then it would have been commendable....but the state of affairs of the applicants would remain the same....despite evaluation at the entry point of the application.....so IMO, this is another means to generate revenue.

I am merely pointing at the fact that whatever Canada decides regarding Credential evaluation, which is now, almost official and mandatory; Canada would continue to earn REVENUE at any cost irrespective of an applicants' success or failure at getting the PR.

What is unethical in my view is when Canada needed immigrants to fill their labor jobs (sorry to say that, but is true :(), they invited tens and thousands of applicants and now when their need is over (or seems to be over; or they cannot MANAGE the inventory ) they just scrape applications with a click of fingers.......they made it look so easy and straight forward..... :( :( :(

I am sure CIC must have had their reasons and every major decision is in the betterment of the Country ( I hope so). Immigration Canada is re-vamping itself......that's absolutely fair and just, not only for the country but also for the applicant and is ofcourse Good news.

I just hope they deal with the applications more humanely instead of treating them (as they just did with the Pre 2008 applicants) as just " MUTE SHEAF OF PAPER" ,which being invisible to CIC, has been twined with lots of hope and aspirations.

I again Pray for those unfortunate applicants....may they find the strength to stand up and FIGHT if REQUIRED.


WOW, great post Mitali


Star Member
Apr 6, 2011
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10th Feb 2011
Doc's Request.
PER email received : 24th March 2011
RBVO: 16th April 2011
AOR Received.
Never received till date
File Transfer...
In Process : 13th June 2011
Med's Request
19th July 2011
Med's Done....
20th August 2011, Medicals received line added in e-cas: 18th sep 2011
Waived but have to get RCMP cert, which took almost 3 months
Passport Req..
1st march 2012
15th march 2012
30th June 2012
This is really Bad...I applied in 2005 June and heard nothing at all after that,only the File no and No Updated at all after that.....When the fast track law came in place in 2008 , I was tempted to apply in the new set of laws as my profession was in the NOC. But My Immigration Consultant told me not to and convinced me that once you have a File No you it is a guarantee that the CIC will process my application and no need to do anything. Only thing is that it would take time and I didn't mind as I was not in a hurry.

Only in 2011, I had a change of heart applied under the new NOC and Cancelled the old application and received my Visa 2 weeks ago...Jeez when I look back at it what a crucial decision it was. Close call indeed.

I feel so sorry for all those who have been waiting for almost 7 years :((