spiritsoul said:
I've met a friend of mine last weekend who I didn't see for a long time. He assured me that the bill C-6 is gonna be a law before the holidays; "it could be a law in any moment", he said. I tried to explain to him that is not possible though, he stressed: the Minister said so. Then I told him: the Senate is adjourned to Jan 31, 2017.... Even though, it took him sometime to be convinced.
Frankly speaking, I paused for a moment at the beginning and I myself tended to open my doors of hope/believe although I knew very well that the Senate is adjourned as I'm a day-to-day watcher to the legislative process!!!!
CoooL, PR people are mostly kind, hopeful and easily believe the politicians promises; especially those who are not following the legislative procedures and Senate sittings!!! BAD Harper and C. Alexander for targeting those humble and innocent people (me included).
I have been a follower of this forum for years. First back when I was applying for PR, and recently since C-24 affected my citizenship application. I never really commented, just read what people had to say, and assumed it was true. It seemed everyone was 100% sure C-6 was going to take a week or two and bring back 3/5 rule overnight. When I decided to do a bit of my own research, nothing fancy just google, it took me less than 5 minutes to understand the real situation, and be aware that we are in for a long political marathon with C-6 due to the political implications surrounding it. At that moment, I commented every time someone was making some nonsense statements misleading everyone and giving false hope. The result was excessive push back from people accusing me of being pessimist and trying to break people's hope; while I was being realist and protecting them from false hope.
It took some time until people like you, canadasucks, admontreal, screech and a few others started commenting along the same lines as I was; sticking to facts rather than Disneyland speculation. We disagree on certain assumptions, but we all agree on valid facts; such as the fact there is NO BLOODY NEWS (good nor bad) before January 31st since everyone is on vacation

. The reason I am telling this story is because after all this, there are still a few people who seem to prefer to believe good news (even if they are a lie) than listen to the actual truth. Some people ...
As for politicians, I think we are in general unfair towards them. People including media ask them unreasonable questions and expect answers, so in most times they give their opinion, but everyone takes it as a fact. Whoever asked Minister McCullum when C-6 will be implemented was very unreasonable. How does one expect the Minister to know the answer if the bill is not in his hands, it is down to the Senate at all levels. If McCullum did not answer then that would be used against him too. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.