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Bill C-6: Senate stage


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2017
So was going through the POB for next week and of course C6 is not on it..and was wondering what's the whole point of POB if things can change at the drop of a hat w.r.t what is discussed in parliament..i mean why the whole charade..chagger said Bill C6 will be discussed say next week so shouldn't it be found on the POB..whats the whole point of it then..fail to get..can someone who has studied the Canadian parliamentary rules explain it's significance..
At this point, the POB only contains non governement Bills, Government Bills are added to the POB only the day before. So it's not that the POB changes, it's just that Governement Bills are not listed on it
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Star Member
Jun 17, 2016
At this point, the POB only contains non governement Bills, Government Bills are added to the POB only the day before. So it's not that the POB changes, it's just that Governement Bills are not listed on it
Yup, lets hope tonight will see for monday


Hero Member
Sep 19, 2012
People deal with stress differently. That's all.
Yes, this is understandable, but dealing with someone's own stress shouldn't be through spreading panic to everyone in the forum. If one is stressed they can stop following the forum because it will stress them more and try enjoying life!


Hero Member
Apr 21, 2015
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Star Member
Jun 21, 2009
Don't you all know that politicians are hanging your much awaited bill to past near the coming canadian general election?
During that time, campaign promises will be said about the most and new pressing issue.

While everyone are elated and forgotten the fact that the last campaign promise took 4 years overdue, and prayers answered they where able to apply in just 3 years and are made able to vote for the party who went forth all limbs to repeal the previous incumbent's bill that degenerated their rights as people.

That's what lambs are, easily herded and cajoled.
If that is what they wanted, they could easily have tabled the bill half-way through their term. They tabled it early in their term.

I believe it is not the intent but the (in)competence of liberals that is the cause of the delays so far.
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Apr 13, 2017
So I thought I should update everyone before I go AWOL like I usually do........Another conversation with Stephanie Cheureng a few minutes ago( had to apologize for the hounding calls to her office), Parliamentary Affairs at the HOC, 613 995 2727.

In response to my previous query about a general coming into force guideline for C6, She had no specific answer besides the generic response we hear often from bureaucrats so a negative on that account.

I asked specifically whether the Bill is likely to be debated today or on Monday and she stated that Monday is the likely day for a C6 debate and that we should check the POB tonight around 6-7pm for an update( Its better to check around midnight from a practical sense).

What this 'kinda' means for us? IRCC may have prepared the amending language or may be about to prepare and present to the Minister and seek his approval for introducing in the HOC. Again, no guarantees as always but an assumption based on information gathered.

Purpose of query was to verify a twitter post from Colin Singer, a Quebec based Immigration lawyer with immense recognition for his practice of Immigration Law. In the twitter post he stated "New Citizenship Bill C-6 being debated in House of Commons tomorrow and Monday #cbaimm2017 #CBAimmigration" . I called his office to verify source but his assistant denied me asking me to contact him by email. Jaffer retweeted Singer's twitter post earlier today and somebody in this forum posted a link to her twitter and later deleted it.

See Singer's tweet link below:

Lastly, one helpful link for the more passionate ones among us in relation to following Parliamentary debates, etc. Please switch on your TV sets and look for the CPAC Channel that telecasts live coverage of Parliamentary debates everyday. I usually watch every now and then for a good laugh and possibly more based on whats being discussed. Its pretty funny and informative at the same time.

I have Bell TV and I believe its Channel 512 on mine. We might catch C6 being discussed live on Monday if were lucky.

Their link is http://www.cpac.ca/en/ btw and is worth a subscribe if you don't have this already. I think it may be a free(or subsidized) channel since it telecasts live parliament debates.

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!!!
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Hero Member
Nov 18, 2013
Yes, this is understandable, but dealing with someone's own stress shouldn't be through spreading panic to everyone in the forum. If one is stressed they can stop following the forum because it will stress them more and try enjoying life!

:) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator, on a plane on a tarmac or in a long line etc., facing acute stressful situations or waiting for something to get fixed with several strangers? Some will scream: omg, we gonna die!; we gonna be ok! while others will have different responses. Well, this forum is the virtual version of that reality. As soon as the bill is passed and come into effect and people get their passports, there will high 5s and hugs and kisses. That's human my friend! The only thing I abhor is people being out-of-line-disrespectful and expressing their assumed superiority over others. Apart from that, everything is fair game if you choose to come on an online forum.
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Star Member
Jun 17, 2016
:) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator, on a plane on a tarmac or in a long line etc., facing acute stressful situations or waiting for something to get fixed with several strangers? Some will scream: omg, we gonna die!; we gonna be ok! while others will have different responses. Well, this forum is the virtual version of that reality. As soon as the bill is passed and come into effect and people get their passports, there will high 5s and hugs and kisses. That's human my friend! The only thing I abhor is people being out-of-line-disrespectful and expressing their assumed superiority over others. Apart from that, everything is fair game if you choose to come in a online forum.
Well said !


Champion Member
May 8, 2015
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I didn't make any of those 100 predictions, stop pinning other people's nonsense to me.
I didn't. My post doesn't refer to you in any way. It wasn't even following your post. So how could I "pin other people's nonsense to you". That is ridiculous. I didn't even name you in the post, how could I then insinuate that you voiced a particular opinion. I was addressing the general atmosphere of yay and nay sayers.

Your attitude as to the timeline of this bill has been nothing but bizarre. What you're saying is akin to looking at a cloudy sky and screaming "no one knows for sure if it's going to rain!! Only a fool could say that for sure!"
No, what I'm saying is "No one on here, myself included, is a meteorologist. Therefore no one on here is qualified to make rain predictions. Also the analogy is pretty slim. You have decades of experience with the weather. I prudently assume that you don't have decades of experience with parliamentary procedure in the HoC of Canada (me neither by the way).

Yes, of course no one knows for sure if this bill will pass, and I never claimed that it won't with complete certainty. I simply referred to the fact they only two weeks remain (of which the senate sits only six days) during this session, that there are MANY bills on the docket, that C6 face what resistance in the senate, and therefore, it is unlikely that it will pass with the short time that is left. I am entitled to having that opinion and I am freely expressing it.
Yup you are entitled to having that opinion and I am entitled to having the opinion that your opinion/prediction doesn't matter since you don't have enough experience to make a reliable prediction. I furthermore am of the opinion that I myself don't have enough experience to make a reliable prediction.

It is also factually wrong that the Senate "sits only 6 days". The Senate sits one week after the HoC. So there is nine days remaining. This is assuming that the Senate doesn't add optional sitting days on Monday or Friday (like they did this Monday by the way).

You will probably still be telling people on the 23rd that "nobody can be sure if this bill will pass!", calling everyone who suggests that not enough time exists a fool who doesn't understand Ottawa politics.
What I regularly do is pointing out that there still is a possible path for this bill to become law before the break. I am not saying it is or isn't probable, since, again, I am not qualified to make that call. And unless there are Members of Parliament or Senators hiding behind the forum usernames (which would be hilarious, now that I think about it), everyone else isn't qualified to make that call either.

When it comes to showing that there is a possibility (not a probability!) for this bill to pass, I add links to the order paper, links to the parliamentary rulebooks, screenshots from legisinfo. Other people, particularly the naysayers, have nothing but "politicians are lazy and don't care and I know that and I know that it won't pass" without any external link to substantiate any of these claims.

But again, I am NOT claiming that the bill is passing by the end of June. I'm only saying that there is a possibility and I'm saying that no one on here is qualified to make a reliable prediction.

Meanwhile I would not say on the 23rd what you are putting into my mouth. Because if the bill won't have been debated by June 23rd, there would in fact not even be a possible way for this bill to pass.

I cannot emphasize enough that I am pointing out possible paths, based on parliamentary procedure, but that I am not claiming probabilities.

Fair enough...that's you're attitude, that's fine. I never attacked you for it and I ask that you reciprocate and respect mine.
Again I don't know how you construed that I attacked you in particular. I was, again, addressing the general forum atmosphere.
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Champion Member
May 8, 2015
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:) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator, on a plane on a tarmac or in a long line etc., facing acute stressful situations or waiting for something to get fixed with several strangers? Some will scream: omg, we gonna die!; we gonna be ok! while others will have different responses. Well, this forum is the virtual version of that reality. As soon as the bill is passed and come into effect and people get their passports, there will high 5s and hugs and kisses. That's human my friend! The only thing I abhor is people being out-of-line-disrespectful and expressing their assumed superiority over others. Apart from that, everything is fair game if you choose to come on an online forum.
I like the elevator/tarmac analogy. So true.


Hero Member
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Good news C-6 on Monday June 12, 6:30 pm as per projected order of business


Hero Member
Sep 19, 2012
:) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator, on a plane on a tarmac or in a long line etc., facing acute stressful situations or waiting for something to get fixed with several strangers? Some will scream: omg, we gonna die!; we gonna be ok! while others will have different responses. Well, this forum is the virtual version of that reality. As soon as the bill is passed and come into effect and people get their passports, there will high 5s and hugs and kisses. That's human my friend! The only thing I abhor is people being out-of-line-disrespectful and expressing their assumed superiority over others. Apart from that, everything is fair game if you choose to come on an online forum.
I understand your point. I guess I tend to be more pragmatic than many around me so I tend to hold everyone to my standard, which is not right.


Hero Member
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Cheers and have peaceful weekend!