Linda Frum who holds it now, will eat it but not to digest will never come out of her, the majority government is powerless, very sad and what a ridiculous political system
I am sure that if the delay was really serious and the bill was in dangier all the senators that entrave it would receive instructions from the 'obscure forces' to speed it up.subha_1962 said:Linda Frum who holds it now, will eat it but not to digest will never come out of her, the majority government is powerless, very sad and what a ridiculous political system
The session starts at 6 pm, it is now 2:08 pm ... so the only updates you could get is that certain Senators are having a shower. Some are ironing their suits. A couple are having a coffee at Starbucks ...Dimahq said:Any updates on Today's session?
marcher said:The session starts at 6 pm, it is now 2:08 pm ... so the only updates you could get is that certain Senators are having a shower. Some are ironing their suits. A couple are having a coffee at Starbucks ...![]()
I do not know how long she can hold on to the bill; but I know that any Senator can bring back the bill discussion to the table. The sad fact, is none of the Senators care enough about this bill to bother. They make a few speeches about it repeating the same points we heard back in the HoC; and then adjourn and put it back into the freezer. Thinking about it, what could Senator Frum say about the bill that has not been said yet?Montreal101 said:I don't understand how the Senate system allow one senator to hold any bill as long as they please, also to allow them to repeat the exact same point of argue over and over again without adding anything new, does anyone know if there is a deadline Senator Frum should open the discussion or another Senator can step in and open the discussion
marcher said:I do not know how long she can hold on to the bill; but I know that any Senator can bring back the bill discussion to the table. The sad fact, is none of the Senators care enough about this bill to bother. They make a few speeches about it repeating the same points we heard back in the HoC; and then adjourn and put it back into the freezer. Thinking about it, what could Senator Frum say about the bill that has not been said yet?
I am NOT an expert, but I will share my opinion based on my limited knowledge. I think what you are referring to processes like the Executive Orders that the US President issues. As far as I know, the Canadian PM does not have such powers; and even if he did, he would not use them in such a minor bill such as C-6. Remember for Canadian citizens, this bill is not a priority and barely has any public interest; hence you barely hear about it on the media.Hamid khan said:I do not have very good idea how any bill pass as per Canadian law
But my thinking was, if PM wants to pass any bill He ( Justin T ) can do by his own power. ( in my country happen like this because PM have special power )
Also if any senate member wants not to pass this bill then why Justin T replace her to new person so that this bill can pass easily
I just write what ever I understand.
If i am wrong please correct me.
marcher said:I am NOT an expert, but I will share my opinion based on my limited knowledge. I think what you are referring to processes like the Executive Orders that the US President issues. As far as I know, the Canadian PM does not have such powers; and even if he did, he would not use them in such a minor bill such as C-6. Remember for Canadian citizens, this bill is not a priority and barely has any public interest; hence you barely hear about it on the media.
Keep in mind that Canadians do not vote directly for a prime minister, they can only vote for the representative of the party (or independent) representing their riding. The powers of the PM are very limited compared to the US President for example.
You mentioned that the system is different in your country, I do not know where you are from so I cannot compare it to Canada.
Dude I think you come from a country where the government has extreme power over passing legislation. The PM will not force senators to retire early here so he can pass the bills he wants. That is an immediate end to his career. He had a chance to appoint senators, and he chose to appoint independents (or at least those who claim they are independent).Hamid khan said:But remember usually all senate members hire by the government and if PM wants he can force them to go to early retirement.
So in senate plane how many members pushing hard to stop this bill may be few of them.
Then why GOV do not take step for them and pass this bill.
Also can you remember: immigration minister said this bill will pass by July 1 2016 then he said again this bill end of 2016.
My question is: based on which documents he keep on said this .
This is why i was thinking they have their own plan to pass this bill.
I am the last person to defend the Libs, but I think you are making unfair accusations. They criticized the Cons, because that is what opposition is supposed to do; NDP and the Cons are doing it now to the Libs.globalstar66 said:This Lib govt was quick to criticize the previous Con govt on just about everything, and they made so many promises - just to fail miserably at all of them. All they've been able to do, is spend tax payers money at an alarming rate, and creating not a single job in the process. And they have revoked as many people's citizenship in the 10 months since coming into power, than the 27 YEARS prior to them getting to power in 2015. So much for hating the Cons bill of revoking citizenship. Just search for "Trudeau government revoking citizenship at much higher rate than Conservatives"
This govt cares a LOT more about people outside of Canada, than they do about people IN Canada.