How would you deal with Canadians who are born here, use the excellent schools, fine health care, and awesome infrastructure for 18 years, then leave and go study in the States and live their lives there? I think they should receive a bill at the border.
"There are Canadians who blah blah blah use benefits blah blah blah". Give us some figures, how many Canadians do this? Of 250,000 Canadians who become citizens each year, how many are going to go back to their home countries to live and then return here in their old age for Canadian benefits?
Also, what are these Canadian benefits that they'll be getting? Not OAS, because that requires ten years of residence in Canada to get anything at all, and it's pretty small at that level. Not CPP, because that's indexed to how much they worked; anything they receive is fair. So you're probably talking about medical care and nothing else. How will these people be living, as they mooch health care? Well, if they're coming back to Canada to live when they're old, there's a pretty good chance they'll be wealthy -- so they're paying property taxes. They'll likely have some local income. Already they're contributing more than large numbers of Canadians -- a significant sector of the population never contributes much at all in taxes, and gets the same benefits as everyone else. I wonder why you've singled out only immigrants for criticism, here?
Or is this part of the fantasy that Canada is such an awesome place to live that people with lives and strong ties to their community want to come here when they're old, and live apart from everyone they know in a cold, expensive city?
Again, give us a few numbers. How many people aspire to this?