Queridos amigotes:
The topic of this chatroom regards information reasonably relative to C-24. It is NOT a forum for evaluations of Canadian politicians, absurd speculations as to motivations of politicians, the airing of personal grievances and psychological misgivings, etc.
Participants such as Marcus have invested time and energy to report back as to his findings of relevant information, that puts our minds at ease.
Others come here, without contribution, expecting people like Marcus to do their residency calculations, seeking personal assurances that they will be qualified to
become citizens in 3 years, even going so far as to cite bogus sources, in order to contradict the date of effect of C-24, which he and I derived from seemingly knowledgeable CIC agents.
One wonders why people who are too lazy to call the CIC and share their collective information, would have the temerity to come here to leech information from others who have! As I have observed, these people never contribute anything!
For those who come here seeking information, but are consistently unwilling to provide any information of their own, either refrain from questions, or initiate your own leechroom.
Henceforth, those who would pose questions (that they be relevant!) here should call the CIC, enquire as to the effective date of C-24 and SHARE such information with us.