I have a question. I am Canadian Citizen since 2009 and I also have citizenship of my birth country (Dual Citizenship)
I had problem and convicted a crime like as drug trafficking and possession in 2011 and and got my sentence 2013 like as 1 day less than 2 years house arrest. 1 year house arrest and 1 year curfew + 100 hours community work... I know its bad, It was bad friendship connection and just 1 mistake !!!! Because I was in wrong time in wrong place

I have a life here and family I am just afraid to loose them. If CIC get my citizenship away and deport me my birth country...
I read the law is affecting at the moment for terrorism and spying and national defence act. etc etc. It does not apply to me....
But is there a way in the future they can expanded the list and include my crime in it too ?
And other question, If I renounce my birth citizenship, Could they still revoke my Canadian citizenship ?
Thank you for your answers