If you really want to be sure... to get a PR after a 1 year course... then do a minimum 1 year Master's course in any of the recognized universities in the provinces of Saskatchewan OR Ontario. After pursuing a minimum 1 year Master's course at any of the universities of these provinces, you will be eligible to apply for direct nomination (SINP Master's & PHD stream and Ontario pilot Master's stream) without a job offer, provided you meet the conditions such as showing a minimum 10,000$ to sustain yourself in Sask. or 11,086$ required to show in Ontario PNP.
To know more:
Another, sure-shot way is to get PR is to do any 2 years/4sem/1800 hours recognized course in Quebec, show French intermediate level proficiency i.e DELF B1... and you can apply for CSQ. Alternatively, do a 1 year diploma course, having high points..and score minimum 55 points(with or without French) under regular students programme of Quebec. If you have 55 points, which is usually tough..without getting points in atleast beginner level French (DELF A1/A2), you can be assured of PR by doing a just 1 year course.
To know more:
**All opinions expressed are purely personal, and pieces of information mentioned are to the best of my knowledge... You should consult other sources too.