Hello Mr. Zub2612!
Thanks very much for your compliments! It is always a pleasure and delight to learn from somebody of your status.
This forum is among a few initiatives taken by Mr. David Cohen to help future immigrants and immigrants already in Canada to learn from each other's perspective.
When I first became a member of this forum I used to read the comments and suggestions made by respectable members.
Anybody could get a clear picture of not only about the immigration process and life in Canada by reading those valuable postings.
Usually the members who were already in Canada used to give suggestions and others used to post their comments and queries.
The members used to post comment related to their profession and if they were already in Canada also what they were doing in Canada.
This helped everybody take informed decision because they got knowledge from somebody who was a skilled professional and as a result writing in details about the experience which were very useful to make informed decisions and choices.
A doctor helped a future immigrant doctor to make decision and a teacher or engineer did the same.
The expectations and experience of a sales person of a tobacco company who is working as a sales person of bell, roger's, real state agent, credit card sales person, other sales person may be very helpful for some body belonging to the same profession or someone planning to do the same job while in Canada.
There are many immigrant business persons who are doing businesses like security farms, financial and real state businesses.
Some are also using their houses and properties as guest houses for new comers.
These are all very good and respectable businesses and jobs.
But how professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers, architects, nurses, or dentists can benefit from the advice given by somebody who is working as a sales person of Bell, Rogers, or a real state, grocery shop owner, or a business person who is recruiting cleaner, security person, sales person for his or farm or his of her business?
Some of these businesses are totally dependent on new immigrants who are ready to take any job for the survival of themselves and their family and children.
I know there are a lot of comments and suggestions made by much respected members of this forum.
Their comments and suggestions are based on facts which are traceable and also from printed media and documents.
We all must try to preserve and uphold the dignity of our skills as teachers, engineers, doctors, dentists, nurses in any situation.
We came to another country because we believed that this country and its people need our skills to fulfill their skill shortage.
Our category is the category of skilled immigrants.
There are separate categories for refugees and business class people.
They can help each other to make their own decisions.
I believe, from now on, every respectable member of this forum should disclose his or her profession while giving any suggestions or advice to prospective immigrants.
I also think it is our right to learn from somebody who we believe has got the proper knowledge and background to enlighten us.
This forum is for skilled immigrants and they are already enough skilled and experienced and they do not deserve to be exploited by some unknown persons hiding behind the veil of anonymity with vested interests.
Thanks very much for your comments.
Best Regards,