1. 30-40 is considered full-time, so if all other requirements are met(such as permanent, full-time job offer), 30 hours will do. Keep in mind, those 30 hours have to be at market rate wages that would be offered for the same/similar job at other companies..
2. PNP is based on job offers. So previous hours do not matter as long as the job offer and your work done after the job offer was accepted abide by the requirements set by your provincial PNP office. (30hrs in job offer=30 hrs being worked after date job offer was signed etc.) And of course you can take leaves as outlined in your contract. PNP will not say why did you work 29 hours this week when you are working 30 hrs every week. Or they won't say you didn't work at all this week but you said you work full-time. If you took vacations as you are allowed in your employment contract and that contract fulfills the PNP regulations of your province, that is all that counts.