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BC PNP PR Application - Please Help, where can I complain to?

Oct 20, 2008
hello all,

I have a question and hope somebody can guide me to the right direction or share similar experiences.

I had applied for BC PNP in Sep 2007 and got nomination in 4 weeks. Sent off my PR application to Buffalo in Oct 2007 (processing started Oct 20,2008 as per website), medicals completed and received by Ottawa on Feb 13,2008 (as confirmed by post tracking). I did not hear anything until Jul 2007 when I received two identical mails from Buffaloasking me to complete my medicals. I immediately contacted them and provided all the proof that my medicals are done and received by Ottawa on Feb 13,2008. I got an e-mail back in 2 days advising me that my medicals are received without any further explanation. From that date, they always respond to my inquiries with one line " we have requested background check info from other government agencies and cannot provide a date when your application will be complete. We cannot provide regular status check for your application as we received a lot of inquiries." I continued to send e-mails once a month with the same exact response, last one waas in September.

Today, it's been exactly one year since my PR started. Website does not show any updates after the initial "We started processing your application on Oct 20,2007". I am extremely frustrated as I am waiting to receive my PR to quit my job as I have problems with my employer. I suspect that Buffalo has lost my medical due to the mails that I got although they claim that they have found it.

I would really appreciate it if somebody can tell me where can I make a complaint or at least voice my concern? I know that it will not make a difference but I need to at least try. By the way, I am in Vancouver, BC right now and working full time with the employer that nominated me for PNP. I feel like a prisoner in here - I cannot leave the country, I cannot change my job, CIC does not tell me how much longer should I wait, and I just don't know what to do. I have issues with my company and I don't know how much longer I can take it, but I do not want to throw away 2 years of hard work and waiting with a hasty decision (i.e. resigning and leaving Canada for good).

I would really appreciate your inputs


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Complain to BC PNP, or CIC call centre or send a mail to the minister of immigration or call your MP. If you really really want to quit your job, you can look for another job, get the work permit sorted and quit but you would have to make a new PNP application with your new employer or.. once you are in Canada on a skilled work permit for 2 years, you may apply through Canadian Experience class.
Oct 20, 2008
Thank you Leon for your response. It's not easy to get another BC PNP offer and I have waited for 1 year already and there is no guarantee the next time around will be any different. I just need some feedback from CIC as to why my application is delayed so much. If I need to wait another year, I will definitely withdraw my application and go back to my home country, but if it's only a couple of months I'll keep waiting.

My PNP office told me they have no control over CIC. The call centre tells me that they cannot do anything about the application process outside Canada. Buffalo does not have a phone number. So I guess I'll have to send an e-mail to Minster. Thanks again for your input.


Champion Member
Jul 26, 2008
Vancouver British Columbia
Job Offer........
Contact me by PM,I can arrange for your local MP to help in your case,I know MP s Ujjal Dosanj,Don Davies,Libby Davies,Alice Wong,Andrew Saxton.John Weston,Joyce Murray,Hedy Fry and James Moore which should cover most of the lower mainland MP s.You will have to sign a consent form and MP s offices have a special line they use to get action from CIC immediately.


Star Member
Aug 21, 2008
frustratedinBC said:
hello all,

I have a question and hope somebody can guide me to the right direction or share similar experiences.

I had applied for BC PNP in Sep 2007 and got nomination in 4 weeks. Sent off my PR application to Buffalo in Oct 2007 (processing started Oct 20,2008 as per website), medicals completed and received by Ottawa on Feb 13,2008 (as confirmed by post tracking). I did not hear anything until Jul 2007 when I received two identical mails from Buffaloasking me to complete my medicals. I immediately contacted them and provided all the proof that my medicals are done and received by Ottawa on Feb 13,2008. I got an e-mail back in 2 days advising me that my medicals are received without any further explanation. From that date, they always respond to my inquiries with one line " we have requested background check info from other government agencies and cannot provide a date when your application will be complete. We cannot provide regular status check for your application as we received a lot of inquiries." I continued to send e-mails once a month with the same exact response, last one waas in September.

Today, it's been exactly one year since my PR started. Website does not show any updates after the initial "We started processing your application on Oct 20,2007". I am extremely frustrated as I am waiting to receive my PR to quit my job as I have problems with my employer. I suspect that Buffalo has lost my medical due to the mails that I got although they claim that they have found it.

I would really appreciate it if somebody can tell me where can I make a complaint or at least voice my concern? I know that it will not make a difference but I need to at least try. By the way, I am in Vancouver, BC right now and working full time with the employer that nominated me for PNP. I feel like a prisoner in here - I cannot leave the country, I cannot change my job, CIC does not tell me how much longer should I wait, and I just don't know what to do. I have issues with my company and I don't know how much longer I can take it, but I do not want to throw away 2 years of hard work and waiting with a hasty decision (i.e. resigning and leaving Canada for good).

I would really appreciate your inputs

if you are in canada why did you apply at the buffalo office?
Oct 20, 2008
I did not choose where to apply. All PR applications should be sent to Visa Offices outside of Canada, and if you live in Canada, you should either send it to sSattle or Buffalo depending on what they instruct you to do. In my case case, unfortunately, I was told to send to Buffalo, NY. The damn office does not even have a phone number!


Champion Member
Jul 26, 2008
Vancouver British Columbia
Job Offer........
I got your PM,I know your MP very well as well as your former MP.He is a nice helpful guy,New but eager to help.MP s and staff have a special line at CIC where they get service within minutes.I did help 2 people with his former MP.too bad He had to lose after his good winning record.He was a really nice guy
Oct 20, 2008
Thank you BCguy. I really appreacaite your help and I am sure there are hundreds of other people on this forum that feel the same way. It's people like you that remind me why I chose Canada as my permanent home in the first place. I have actually no complaint whatsoever from my PNP office in BC and they have been very helpful and efficient; I never waited more than 24 hours for a response to my questions from BC PNP office. I wish I could say the same thing about Bufallo visa office.

I just sent you a PM with requested info.