Hi Rachel,
I am not an expert so I am not really sure what your options are but PNP and CIC are two different things. PNP has got nothing to do with the immigration department while your application is in process but it is imparitive that you maintan legal status in Canada while you are living there. I am not sure if Tourist visa is your option as you are already in Canada but I think you can re isntate your status in matter. Also, I am not sure if you leaving canada asap will solve the problem becausr you have already over stayed . If you are from a country that doesnt require a tourist visa, you can flagpole and request a tourist visa and expalin your situation - NOT SURE IF THIS IS CORRECT, Happy for others to give their input.
Immigration maters should not be taken lighltly. If i was you, I would seek leagl advice asap or call the CIC help line to see what you can do !! Make sure as soon as you figure out the solution and you maintain legal status in Canada you let BC pnp know as well.
As I said, I am not sure if I sugesstion is vaiable but happy for others to input.
Hope this helps