They called my number this afternoon but I am not currently in Canada. I am in Oregon. Just called them again and left a message. Will try calling them tomorrow. I don't know what they need.
It won't effect if you change your job. But it will certintly effect if your job position from higher to lower level. If you are on LMO then you can't change your job. So it all depends on your status
I am too confused about it because i sont have a clear idea about it. I am looking for a good opportunity so just had a second thought in my mind of changing my job but at the same time i dont want to put my pr in risk
I'm so loosing my patient. So many plans screwed up because of this and the work permit process to come, which is now 4 months for the New York office. FML
12th week today...
I would like to get the answer because we are planning to go back in my hometown for vacation on February and every day price are going up!
Do you know if they send a email or a letter?
Per my last conversation with them, they will send the paperwork via mail. That would add more time to the process. Since I'm applying from the States, it'll be 3-7 days longer from the decision date.