I will be submitting my sponsorship application in January and have been wondering about the barcodes on the application forms. I would like to have everything completed by the time we leave for Canada with my partner, and was wondering whether the barcode includes a date it has been created. If I put lets say 20th of January on the forms as the date it has been signed, but print it off validated on 5th of January, is the barcode going to include that information?
I will be submitting my sponsorship application in January and have been wondering about the barcodes on the application forms. I would like to have everything completed by the time we leave for Canada with my partner, and was wondering whether the barcode includes a date it has been created. If I put lets say 20th of January on the forms as the date it has been signed, but print it off validated on 5th of January, is the barcode going to include that information?