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Nov 3, 2012

I have recently became Canadian Legal Permanent Resident.

I have 2 kids (US born US Citizens) , wife ( Naturalized US Citizen ) and myself (US Legal Permanent resident since 2012).

When we applied for Canadian Permanent Residency , back in 2010, my wife was Not a US Citizen, she was a US Permanent Resident.
I was out of status and didn't have any way to adjust status in US. We made a difficult decision to move to Canada , in order to preserve the integrity of our family, to live there together and be able to support each other.

It just so happened that the Canadian permanent residence application took longer than we thought and, in the meantime my wife became eligible for US Citizenship and applied for it. She was approved after several months and became a sworn US Citizen.
Approximately three months after she became a US Citizen she sponsored my adjustment of status in US , because at this point we didn't know how much longer the Canadian application would take and there was no word of advise or any certainty about order in which applications were processed.

Soon after I went to an interview with my spouse at US immigration office the Canadian Consulate issued us the Confirmation of the Permanent Residence in Canada and requested the pictures and other documents/copies. How ironic is that?

In any event, with my Green card still in process my wife and two kids went to Canada and landed there. I didn't go with them , because at this point I was days short of receiving a decision about my application for adjustment of status in US.

My wife and kids , after successful landing and temporary stay in Canada came back to US to stay with me.
Shortly thereafter my Green Card came in the mail.

A month or so later our entire family went to Canada once again , and I have also landed and became Canadian Permanent Resident.

As you can see there was no preconceived intention on our behalf to obtain Canadian residence in vain.
In fact, at the time we applied for Canadian residence it seemed the ONLY way for our family to stay together and continue to live a normal life (with Canadian CIC stating back then that the new FSW applications would be processed in less than a year).

But things happened that we didn't control nor could predict (Canadian FSW application took two years to process, as opposed to declared and expected "under 12 months").

At the same time, not knowing anymore When pending Canadian applications would be finalized (if ever) , it would be counter logical not to proceed with applying for US Citizenship and residency when it became possible (processing times were getting delayed for all FSW applicants, with Buffalo office not being the fastest in the world. All the while Canadian Parliament was beginning to discuss the way to cut a back log by retroactively dropping applications filed before certain date and who knew at that point what would have happened to processing of all other pending applications?).

In any event, here is what happened to me:

1. Very BAD-BAD-BAD experience and treatment at Canadian border.

Unlike my wife and kids I am not US Citizen. When we applied for Canadian residency I was not US LPR. So, when Confirmation of Permanent Residence documents were received I was required to submit my Passport for a Visa.

I don't know if our Citizenship played a role or not or whether I just was unlucky , but my wife told me that she was treated very nicely by the Customs in Canada and was warmly welcomed , without much questioning (other than verifying travel documents, POF and so on).

On the contrary, when it was my turn to land (as mentioned above I landed after my family) I was questioned sternly and rather in rude manner by the border officer of Canada.

Now, keep in mind that I have two kids and they soon to become Teens(!) and I am the biological father of both and I have lived with my wife since I met her. Despite that the officer at Canadian border seemed rather angry at me and kept asking what was my relationship "with that woman", referring to my wife and mother of my two kids.

I kept calm and answered her questions in a matter of fact way, stating that she is my wife.

Next, I was asked why didn't I arrive and land the same time with my wife. I told officer that there were personal things that prevented me from arriving with my wife and kids (which is true!).

She then asked if I was moving to Canada and I said "not at this time". I could have lied to her, but WHAT FOR?
In USA I am used to look straight in the eyes of Government Officials and telling the truth, they are in Public service and I am used to
treating them not like adversaries, but rather as equals and with respect.
So I told her that I have an address in Canada where I would like my LPR card sent and where I will stay temporarily but that I will return to the States before moving to Canada permanently.
She was furious when I told her that.

It was clear to me that I was being intimidated and treated with bullying attitude for no legitimate reason. With my US GC in my pocket and able to make a U turn and go back to States for a second it felt like I will just tear in parts my landing papers in front of that border officer, jump in my car , make a U Turn and go to what now became my home, the USA.

But then I remembered my wife, how she really tried hard for us, for family to pass all the language tests, how she really did all she could to submit her paperwork on time, how she worked hard, struggled hard, how my wife at the end had tears rolling down her cheeks when she saw that all our family got the confirmation of residence in Canada , knowing for sure for the first time that we were guaranteed to be together , than no one could separate the father and mother and children from each other.
Remembering all this I have forced myself to endure that bullying treatment without just turning my back and shutting the Customs door and going back to car to drive my family to States.

Finally, the border agent threw my paperwork in front of me and said "You are landed starting today, if you are not here 730 days out of 5 years the enforcement action will taken against you".
She told me that in a tone as if I already was a suspected criminal , already in breach of my contract and agreement.

But that wasn't the end of it. I was sent to Customs to register the import of the goods. When I told the Customs that I was not moving at this time the humiliation started all over.
At this point I refused to take it any longer. I excused myself and asked officer to let me walk out and see my wife. She allowed me to.

I walked out , came to the door of the car and told my wife that I was ready to go back to States. My wife got shocked "But why? What happened? What for?"

We all ended up going together to the Customs building (me, my wife and two kids). I kept silent but my face clearly was showing that they just screwed it.
When my wife walked up to the Customs officer, showing her US Passport with our landing papers and asking what was needed to complete the landing processing the female officer looked at the male officer (who seemed to be older and in charge) , and there was this look on her face as if she now knew that they were wrong in mistreating me, so she tried to make some excuse as to reason why...

The male officer looked at her, looked at me and said "You are free to go!".
Forget about "Welcome to Canada!"....

Anyway, the next day we were going for sightseeing in Toronto and packing our documents. While reviewing our landing papers I noticed that the Customs actually wrote on my landing paper "NOT MOVING TO CANADA AT THIS TIME".

Now, here is my situation today:

Exactly two months after landing my wife and kids received their LPR Cards at our Canadian address (address of our friend which, according to Canadian CIC regulations you are allowed to provide ).

But more than two months later , when I called CIC to ask about the status of my LPR card I was told "your card processing is being delayed due to some verification we have to do with the border where you landed and it misses some information".
I asked how long it may be delayed and was told there is no time limit.

Now here is my concern.

Clearly I do not need Canadian Green Card to travel back and forth to and from Canada.

As the US Green Card holder I can even board a commercial transport to return to Canada at any time.

But still, I wonder if what happened to me is RIGHT? And if there are people in similar circumstances?

I mean, by all accounts I haven't done anything wrong!
I understand there are people who do bad things, may be stay out of Canada for 5 years and try to return as to Canada as LPRs or people
who fraudulently marry Canadians while being married to their spouses overseas , just to hastily et Canadian residence.
But obviously I haven't done any of this and it is so clear from facts of my case that I don't have to prove anyone that I am not a fraudster who stayed out of Canada more than 3 years (I just landed, for God's sake!) , nor do I have to prove that I raised to kids with my wife for over 10 years knowing there would be a day when she could apply and sponsor me for Canadian residence!
And I am already a US LPR (something many Canadian LPR's would prefer to have and would give up their Canadian LPR for).

So, first I wonder if this violation I experienced at Canadian border was something deserved on my part?
Next, if not, then is there some good that can be achieved by subjecting undeserving people to such treatment at the border?
What is it? Punishing innocent for the sins of guilty? Or plain lack of professionalism and overdose of bigotry with no rational explanation for it?

Next, I wonder, why did my LPR card processing was delayed (as it is known now that something was processing wrong at the border, although CIC wouldn't tell me what exactly)?

Is there any accountability for such behavior on part of border officers?
Or I am being too spoiled by my high expectations that we, Human beings, are Human beings who are treated as Equals by Federal Officials in US?

Mind you, US is not a country with lax border officers: there are instances where people are sent to secondary inspection or even refused entry.
And you better never try to joke with US border officers as they , many are former military officers, won't spend much time appeasing you and may make you regret for the rest of your life any foul play.

But NEVER in my entire experience of living in US did any US Government Official treat me with such a condescending, bullying and disrespectful attitude as I experienced landing in Canada.
It was enough for me to stay out of trouble and not commit a crime to get the respect and equal treatment.

So, I keep wondering, what on earth makes Canadian border officers assume they can treat some border crosser , even if third country nationals, with such a disrespect and outright humiliating behavior , without any just reason or breach of any law on behalf of the foreigner?

My second question is: how long can they now delay the processing of my card? Can they deny it? Can they even strip me of my Canadian residency just because I told the truth to the officer and did what I had every right to do (not move to Canada immediately after landing)?

I am shocked and disappointed!

All the while I loved Canada (not border officers, but Canada!).
Given a chance , I would love to settle there with my family, start a bilateral trading business with the US, use my experience, knowledge
and contacts in US to create a beneficial for both countries enterprises, bring jobs to Canada and US by helping the growth of services and goods exchange between these great countries.

Is it Criminal to have such dreams and aspirations? I didn't ever intent to become a legal permanent resident of both countries at the same time, but this is an outcome that happened without me even knowing such course of event would take place. Now that I have an option to decide, to move, to live in either country, to start an enterprise, to make my family happy, to give my children the youth and opportunities I didn't have, to give jobs and to pay taxes and to contribute to economies of two beautiful countries... now is it anything wrong or unlawful or fraudulent with my sincerity and striving to make the best for my family and myself? Why all this unnecessary stress and added anxiety and. most of all, a bullying treatment at the border as if a common criminal was attempting to sneak into Canada?
What is this all about? Had anyone had a similar experience? Is there anything wrong with being a Human being like me, with family, two kids, aspirations and dreams? What shoudl I expect next from CIC?

My best wishes to all, and especially to all the good willing Canadians, including those who work at CIC!
I believe there are many good people everywhere.

Thank you all for reading and hope to hear the advise from those who went through similar experience before or who
has an advise what to do and what to expect next.

Best Regards,



Hero Member
Sep 9, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
15 Sep. 2009
Doc's Request.
17 Nov. 2009
AOR Received.
18 FEB. 2010
File Transfer...
17 Nov. 2009
Med's Request
20 March 2013
Med's Done....
09 April 2013
Passport Req..
17 june 2013
18 July 2013
sept 29 2013
Dear newlpr,

Sorry for your said story, don't worry as long as you have done noting wrong or provided false information your safe. What they are doing to do to check your relationship with your wife and Kids.

They should have something in there hand to deny you witch they don't have "YOUR area CLEAN" so relax.

Its better to followup time to time with CIC.

I hope you will be fine and receive your PR card soon.


The Anger was due to Bad People because many people working on fasle immigration papers Gatting married by money and entring Canada so my be they thought your one of them sorry i dont mean you othere bad prople.

so good luck


Nov 3, 2012
Drooza said:
Dear newlpr,

Sorry for your said story, don't worry as long as you have done noting wrong or provided false information your safe. What they are doing to do to check your relationship with your wife and Kids.

They should have something in there hand to deny you witch they don't have "YOUR area CLEAN" so relax.

Its better to followup time to time with CIC.

I hope you will be fine and receive your PR card soon.


The Anger was due to Bad People because many people working on fasle immigration papers Gatting married by money and entring Canada so my be they thought your one of them sorry i dont mean you othere bad prople.

so good luck
Thanks for your reply.

Let's be Devil's advocate for the conversation's sake and suppose that your assumption is right.

But here is the question:

I am a biological father of two kids who will be teens soon. My kids are also biological children of my current wife.
We submitted documents for Canadian LPR in 2010 (we already were living over ten years with my current wife by 2010 and already
had our children going to school for years).

Even if the border officer didn't know that I had a 10 year unconditional US GC at the time of my landing (having US GC at the time of landing makes it very silly for US LPR to try to defraud Canada to go to Canada while one already has US GC, something that many Canadian LPR's would give up their residence for), so even if the CIC border officer didn't know that I had US GC, how reasonable was it to assume that someone lived and raised two children outside of Canada, children who are almost teens now, in order to apply for Canadian residency sometime 10 years later?
One would have to be a Nostradamus to be able to do such a thing (my then girlfriend ,and later a mother of my children and a wife, had no chance of qualifying for Canadian LPR in late 1999 and many years later, until 2010. How could anyone in 1999 know that in 2010 Canada will roll FSW with a list of few dozen specific occupations that you must have working experience in to gain points under their regulations?)

If you are an XYZ country national today would you live with, raise kids and marry another XYZ national starting today because 15 years from now some other country ABC (nobody knows what that country will be) may have some kind of an immigration program that your then wife may qualify for if she studies something (nobody knows now what) and works in some field (nobody knows which) that will some day be included in a list that will only be valid for 2 years ?

That's just a convoluted idea. It doesn't connect logically.


Nov 3, 2012
P.S. I am planning to file at some point an official complaint against that particular officer who processed my landing.

I am in the process of researching the proper venue to submit the complaint.

Even if I don't get any direct results, hopefully it will alert the CIC higher-ups if similar complaints are filed against
that officer in future. :mad:


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
There is NO justification for such treatment by a border official. By the time you reach the border all the paperwork is done, the requirements for immigration have been satisfied, the backgrounds checked. The border official should be checking that the documents you present are genuine and accurate and that your identity matches. There should be somewhere to report this unprofessional attitude, an ombudsman. I hope you noted the badge number of the officials you dealt with. I am sorry for your experiences and welcome you to Canada. I hope the future will be bright for your family.


Nov 3, 2012
Pippin said:
There is NO justification for such treatment by a border official. By the time you reach the border all the paperwork is done, the requirements for immigration have been satisfied, the backgrounds checked. The border official should be checking that the documents you present are genuine and accurate and that your identity matches. There should be somewhere to report this unprofessional attitude, an ombudsman. I hope you noted the badge number of the officials you dealt with. I am sorry for your experiences and welcome you to Canada. I hope the future will be bright for your family.
Thanks for your reply Pippin.

I didn't write the name or badge number of the officer, but I am sure it's possible to find out (there are initials/signature of the admitting officer, as well as her handwritten "NOT MOVING TO CANADA AT THIS TIME" , with day/time & place of admission. Shouldn't be difficult to track who was on the shift , with initials/signature providing exact confirmation of the identity of the border officer).

Did anyone have similar experience in a recent past?

Is there an online form to file the complaint?
I would prefer to file online and send a follow up by mail , to make sure the hard copies are received as well.
Anyone has advise where to look?

I am going to include the full background and facts vs the officer's treatment ( "what is your relationship with that woman" in reference to my wife whom I lived with for over ten years ,raised children who already go to middle school , shared joy and hardships of life..... ).

Thank you for your kind words and welcome!


Hero Member
Sep 9, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
15 Sep. 2009
Doc's Request.
17 Nov. 2009
AOR Received.
18 FEB. 2010
File Transfer...
17 Nov. 2009
Med's Request
20 March 2013
Med's Done....
09 April 2013
Passport Req..
17 june 2013
18 July 2013
sept 29 2013


Nov 3, 2012
Drooza said:
Drooza, as of this moment my LPR card production is halted and there are "delays" for unspecified reasons (the only thing I was told is that some paperwork filed by border official is not complete and further verification is required).
All this started at the border, by an officer who treated me as if I was a common criminal attempting to sneak into Canada.
The fact is I have done nothing wrong and there were no grounds to treat me like that ( If I was lpr for nearly 5 years and
they suspected I was not in Canada at least for 730 days that would be a different story, but I just landed, wasn't even a day
a Canadian lpr. Same with marriage fraud, if I flew from some place thousands of miles away from where my wife resides
and claimed to married her just before filing for Canadian lpr, again they could have grounds to reasonably question my relationship,
but I have been living with my family and my kids from day one and our children are going to middle school now! )
My only "guilt" appears to be that I am a national of my country of origin and the bigots who processed my paperwork
feel entitled to humiliate and bully anyone they judge to be a "bad guy" by a simple glance at a passport.

I have absolutely nothing to lose by filing a complaint. I am a US Permanent Resident and I hold a 10 year unconditional card.
My eligibility (background/security wise) were already and thoroughly checked by Immigration and Security officials of the both countries.

It is the border officials who give such undeserved, unjust and outright outrageous treatment that should be worried about me filing a complaint against them.

I notice most of immigrants are very apprehensive and afraid to challenge gross abuses committed by these officers placed in the office of public trust.
Perhaps many of you come from countries where any government officer has a power of God and can do as he or she pleases and you better try to please them in the process, no matter how grossly abusive to you, or else something worst can happen to you and your families.

Fortunately for me and my family I am an American (yes, I do consider myself American, even though I haven't been sworn and naturalized yet!) ,
we in America are People and the Governments are established by People and for the People and every Government official we encounter is in the office of public trust serving our interests.
This principle applies , to one or another degree, to all Western Democracies and these are not mere words but a way of life!
I do not fear government officials in the the US, I do not lie or avoid them, I treat them as equals, with mutual respect and with an anticipation that I can trust and rely on them when necessary.
I am not used to being treated in such a degraded way as I was treated at Canadian border, and no one should be accustomed to.

We all must obey rules , we all must avoid doing crimes and other things that can trigger a wrath of host country, but in return for our compliance with the rules and doing everything right we do deserve to be treated with at least some respect and dignity and not be yelled at, humiliated and degraded by some mis-educated bigot who has got too much power to handle him or herself properly.

I intend to get to the bottom of it and I welcome all opinions and advises from anyone who has been through similar experience or has an opinion to share.

Best regards,



Hero Member
Sep 9, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
15 Sep. 2009
Doc's Request.
17 Nov. 2009
AOR Received.
18 FEB. 2010
File Transfer...
17 Nov. 2009
Med's Request
20 March 2013
Med's Done....
09 April 2013
Passport Req..
17 june 2013
18 July 2013
sept 29 2013
Good luck dear 8)


Nov 3, 2012
Drooza said:
Good luck dear 8)

Thanks Drooza.

If they process my card and mail it to me in the next few weeks I will probably forget the whole thing and won't have any drive or motivation to do anything thereafter.

But given the injury (halting card production) added to an insult (treatment at the border), every day I get more determined to
raise the subject with the overseeing bodies within CIC, since I don't think anyone should be subjected to this kind of experience
for no fault or violation of regulations on their part.


Full Member
Jul 10, 2012
what is your ethnicity and how do you look buddy???

because, there might be some chance that they have treated you the way they did based on your look only...

BTW, Canada is getting strangely cold hearted (not the people, the government)... I mean if it goes this way, it may not worth living in Canada in futer


Nov 3, 2012
mjtajik said:
what is your ethnicity and how do you look buddy???

because, there might be some chance that they have treated you the way they did based on your look only...

BTW, Canada is getting strangely cold hearted (not the people, the government)... I mean if it goes this way, it may not worth living in Canada in futer
I have met Canadian Government officials in Canadian embassy and I participate in cultural events held by Canadians in US.
I must tell you none of the well mannered, educated and intelligent Canadians , including Government officials I have met, ever acted or treated me the way I experienced at their border.

Whatever has caused the mistreatment, the only question is if it was legitimate under the law or arbitrary and uncalled for.
If latter is the case (as I have clear facts to prove it is) then I have grounds to file a complaint for violation of statutory guidelines.


VIP Member
Feb 3, 2009
Visa Office......
Sheng Chiu
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
21st Jan 2010
Doc's Request.
10th March 2010
AOR Received.
10th June 2010
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
IN PROCESS: 12th October, 2010
Med's Request
Withdrawal Request sent....Was waiting for files to return....instead of returning the files, VO sent the MR !!
Med's Done....
28 May 2012
Passport Req..
24 July 2012
the worst is yet to come with no jobs with World class degrees from outside of Canada
Dont get disheartened now. you will be in coming days


Star Member
Jul 12, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
04th Dec, 2012
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
19th Dec, 2012
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
15th Jan, 2013
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
28th feb, 2013

I dont feel sorry for u but for the Canadian Border Official who has shown little respect for this courtry in treating u like this. When u are landing for the first time as PR u r at par with all other canadian citizens. nobody has the right to treat u as this. Just mark a detailed complaint like u have posted with all the details to the concerned authority and immigration minister Jasson kenny and his office. It will make things better for other people...someone has to take the initiative


Nov 3, 2012
jnathan said:
the worst is yet to come with no jobs with World class degrees from outside of Canada
Dont get disheartened now. you will be in coming days
Why do you think I would be disheartened with absence of jobs in Canada?
I am actually not going to Canada to look for jobs. My wife may want to look for a job
in her field once we are there , but not me.
I want to start and run an enterprise. Scarcity of jobs would
mean there is greater pool of people to chose and hire from ( I actually doubt this
, but assuming what you say is right it would only be to my advantage).
At the same time my business in Canada would be beneficial to the host country, in terms of
creating and providing it's citizenry with more jobs.
If I need a job to apply for I can do so in US ( I am a US Legal Permanent Resident with an unrestricted right
of employment).

lucky4canada said:

I dont feel sorry for u but for the Canadian Border Official who has shown little respect for this courtry in treating u like this. When u are landing for the first time as PR u r at par with all other canadian citizens. nobody has the right to treat u as this. Just mark a detailed complaint like u have posted with all the details to the concerned authority and immigration minister Jasson kenny and his office. It will make things better for other people...someone has to take the initiative
I agree with you , lucky4canada, I think that border officer by such an attitude is doing terrible job presenting Canada to newcomers.

I have detailed account of what has transpired and will most likely initiate the formal complaint within the next few weeks, sending copies to
all higher CIC officials including the immigration minister Jason Kenney.