Hii, I have applied on 20th nov.medicals are updated on 28th nov. Background check status changed from not applicable to we are processing it.What do they do in background check.Is it about criminal background or financial background?
Which vfs?Hii, I have applied on 20th nov.medicals are updated on 28th nov. Background check status changed from not applicable to we are processing it.What do they do in background check.Is it about criminal background or financial background?
Ohk.. actually I was asking about sai Manish.. because I have heard this in India before.Dubai
Pl tell me to whom we contact agent which is sitting in uk she said its shows under processOhk.. actually I was asking about sai Manish.. because I have heard this in India before.
We ask for the screen shot she said i am busy with the client i will share with you how come for me its shows different and Her shows under processPl tell me to whom we contact agent which is sitting in uk she said its shows under process
BangaloreOhk.. actually I was asking about sai Manish.. because I have heard this in India before.
No.This is the first time I have applied.Do you have any refusals before?
Ok..m also applied on 21nov at Bangalore..medical passed on 29 Nov..after that no updateNo.This is the first time I have applied.