Im sorry if it sounded like that. My intention was not to make fun of you

Just that she is a female. Of course, you did not know that. My bad.
The visa office for Saudi Arabia is Abu Dhabi & the processing time is currently 27 months for family class.
What you are intending to do is called as 'Anchor Baby'. But its only a half-baked scheme to get into Canada and I doubt if it will get you far. But if you still want to have a baby in Canada, then it can be 30,000+ CAD. Lot of money there!
I do not know your personal reasons for wanting to go to Canada, but it is untrue to say that you have zero prospects in India. Currently, the India economy is the third largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power. As an Indian, Im speaking only for India.
Also, I have seen many Indians and Pakistani being happily married without the wife/husband having to change their nationalities. So I do not think that is an issue here at all.
And moreover, I have spent my entire life in Saudi Arabia, and my dad still works there. So from my experience, I feel you are one those ill-informed people who think that a western country will magically solve all your problems. But sadly, that is not the case.
You can try applying as a skilled worker and take it from there. Good luck