I'm a speech language pathologist/Autism specialist who has submitted the application for my family for moving to BC. My daughter has high functioning autism and wondering if anyone has heard how this is handled at the medical eval level of the application process. I have seen posts here regarding autism but no follow ups only initial inquiries. I am hopeful that they look at it case by case as autism is a spectrum disorder and every case is so very different in regards to the demands placed on the system. In our case our children would be attending a private school (which they have been accepted to and it has been determined that they would not require additional funding) and she would require similar services as a child with a language/learning disorder. Also I am her primary intervention specialist and I have a wait list for my services in BC. I am hopeful that this will be a non issue but want to present things in the best manner initially and not have to mop up a mess later and/or delay/deny our acceptance.
Thanks for any advise or info.
Thanks for any advise or info.