Personally, what I would do is request an ATIP to CBSA for entry/exits and compare them to your passport entries/exits – if something stands out, or you forgot to declare, then provide these alongside the form that was suggested above. Additionally, it doesn't help to speculate, and the only one who can really help for this situation, at this moment, is your Member of Parliament. I understand (from experience) that in Quebec it is easy to become overwhelmed/intimidated by the overt institutional racism that prevails and plagues the province since its inception, however, rest assured that the MP assistants are well-trained to deal with their counterparts in Ottawa to assist constituents, and, in a way or another, you help pay their salaries – reaching out to your MP is a great Canadian right-of-passage, and will hopefully will help you with your citizenship grant, and to foster a sense of appreciation for our democracy.