Good PPR shower today. A lot of people got their emails, rest will get in due course (

including mine).
Back to analysis part -
What I observed that people (majority of) who moved to IP2 on between 15-16 Oct and 25-26 Oct are yet to get their PPRs.
Though numbers are better for people from 15-16 IP2 move date. Also its obvious that there is no pattern in getting the PPRs now (earlier there was some, let's say ).
For the batch supporters in the forum - I think the bug (in .btch ) which we talked about a couple of weeks ago, now seems to be fixed
All this time in between, they were working on some work around/Manual. It gives me a lil hope for more frequent showers which may end the dry spell we have seen in past two weeks. All the best to All of us.