Guru_J said:
When i apply to Sydney for my PR, regarding the police certificate requirements: one is fingerprints and the other is police criminal record check.
Do i need to get my fingerprints done and then send it with my application? or do I send my application with the police criminal record check and wait for CIC to ask for my fingerprints check?
PCC Can be related to fingerprint - How?
Some countries like the USA will ONLY issue a PCC by submitting your finger print. That is the only way the issue a PCC that they certify to tie to your identity. SO in this instance (or in cases of countries such as this) to get your PCC, you need to have your finger prints turned in, your pCC then gets issued after a database scan that ensures your finger print doesn't match any arrests (past or pending). You then mail the PCC to CIC (not the finger print) In this i nstance, the finger print is a necessary means to and end (PCC). Many other countries don't issue a PCC on the basis of finger print, the technology may not exists. This means you just need to submit your PCC since your country (AND NOT CIC) does not need the finger prints to issue your PCC.
When Can CIC ask for a finger print ?
In some cases, CIC will ask you for your finger prints. THis affects a small % of people. In the case above your local authority is the one needing the finger print for your PCC which is different from an instance where CIC is the one asking for it. The thing is...if this is required, in your situation, they'll specifically ask you for it. The CIC finger print request happens in instances where your name is common and to diffrentiate you from someonelse during the security check process, they then need your finger prints. If your name is John SMith (common name) expect a finger print request in future. If your name is common in your country, expect the same. Some countries - a short list, identified as high risk may also cause CIC to ask for finger prints.