Can anyone please tell us if photocopies of experience letters attested by Pakistan Notary Public are accepted by BIQ.
The website says the following:
And if we send the original copies of experience certificates, marriage certificate, birth certificate etc will BIQ send us back all the documents? We are afraid if documents get misplaced it would be difficult to get them back.
Please help! Thank you.
Can anyone please tell us if photocopies of experience letters attested by Pakistan Notary Public are accepted by BIQ.
The website says the following:
But BIQ also says the following:Other countries
If the country where the document was issued does not appear on this list, please make sure to have the document certified as a true copy, either by the organization that issued the original or by an authority recognized in this country (for example, a government department, a local or regional administrative body, a notary public, etc.).
A copy certified as true by the document issuer is always the preferred format. Note that processing time is required to verify the accuracy of the information you have provided. This timeframe could be shorter if you submit copies certified as true by the issuer.
Copies certified as true by the embassies and consulates of the countries that issued the original document are accepted.
Make sure to have the copies of your documents certified as true by the issuer or by an authority recognized by the country that issued these documents.
Could you please help us to understand that? Does that mean BIQ is not accepting photocopies of any documents attested by Notary Public Pakistan?Les documents soumis en revision sont des photocopies certifiees confromes par un notaire public du Pakistan.Nous ne pouvons pas en tenir compte car seules les copies certifiees conformes par l'organisme emetteur ou les originaux permettent l'octroi de points.Le pointage est conforme.
And if we send the original copies of experience certificates, marriage certificate, birth certificate etc will BIQ send us back all the documents? We are afraid if documents get misplaced it would be difficult to get them back.
Please help! Thank you.