Could you please tell why didn't apply for OWP for your spouse (even with NOC C you was able to apply if your PR in process) or visitor record for the time you both are waiting for PR? She was needed to stop working for sure, but as you both have implied status and your PR application is in process she was able legally stay in Canada an waiting for PR with you.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you and good luck!
We have almost the same timeline
He isn't eligible for OWP as my category is NOC C. Website says
Your spouse/common law partner can apply for an open work permit if your job is listed as Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B in the
2016 National Occupation Classification (NOC). Your spouse doesn’t qualify for an open work permit if your job is listed as NOC Skill Level C.
A few people said we should just apply for it any way, but I've heard having previous applications rejected can be detrimental to future applications/cause them to take longer to process, so we didn't want to run the risk. We just want PR status ASAP so we can get on with our lives instead of living in constant limbo

When you applied for your OWP, did your spouse fill out the same forms/application package you did, or did they just issue a work permit for him when they issued yours? If they want to issue my spouse one, then great! They can go right ahead, I won't stop 'em! I'd rather he was here with me.