That’s not the case. You misunderstood it. Read the whole text, it is clearly written to obtain a CSQ within this period and then you can apply for PR. Here is the full version “The Ministère will carry out invitation exercises on a regular basis, according to labour market needs and the integration potential of immigrants.Guys, I just realized that on the Arrima website (Invitations section), there is a note "The 6-month period begins on the date when all the information required to process your application (forms and documents) has been received and added to your file. These persons can then submit an application for permanent residence to the Government of Canada. " So, it means that we can apply for our PR once MIDI has our documents, right? I checked the application package for PR and for the question "Have you received your CSQ " I have the option to answer NO and add the date when I applied for the CSQ. So, once MIDI received our docs we can apply for PR... Anyone had this thought?
These invitations allow persons invited to submit an application for permanent selection in order to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ - Québec Selection Certificate) within an average period of 6 months from the date on which their file was complete. The 6-month period begins on the date when all the information required to process your application (forms and documents) has been received and added to your file. These persons can then submit an application for permanent residence to the Government of Canada.”