Hi guys,
I have a simple question that need answer.
Are Outland office still working with papers or it's all digital now.
When I call CIC in Canada, they have everything digital until it when out to the VO.
After that, CIC dont have any idea what happen to my process and cannot help me.
I saw 5-7 month process for simple case, 9-10 month for red flag case for the same VO.
I ordered my GCMS notes and it says appear bonafide, recommend wav and yet, it' has been 13 month.
Is my process lost in the dirt at somebody's desk?
This is a little bit concerning for me as nobody can help me.
I contact my MP and he can only see what's in the Ecas and Gckey account.
I really dont know what to do because all requested files are there, just waiting for BG check and DM.
Last contact is november 14, 2017.
I have a simple question that need answer.
Are Outland office still working with papers or it's all digital now.
When I call CIC in Canada, they have everything digital until it when out to the VO.
After that, CIC dont have any idea what happen to my process and cannot help me.
I saw 5-7 month process for simple case, 9-10 month for red flag case for the same VO.
I ordered my GCMS notes and it says appear bonafide, recommend wav and yet, it' has been 13 month.
Is my process lost in the dirt at somebody's desk?
This is a little bit concerning for me as nobody can help me.
I contact my MP and he can only see what's in the Ecas and Gckey account.
I really dont know what to do because all requested files are there, just waiting for BG check and DM.
Last contact is november 14, 2017.