Sunny88 said:
I still have not rec'd my test invite
Not sure what to do..any recommendations or should i just wait it out?
My office is Yellowknife. I don't even know if the file has been transferred to that office yet.
I was pretty much on the same boat until a couple of days ago, and I recently got an e-mail asking me if I want to opt in to take my citizenship test in Vancouver, which is the closest city to me with a local CIC office. I haven't heard back from them any further with the actual test invite, but I see this as a very important update. Chances are they wouldn't contact me unless they really plan on inviting me to the test based on my response.
The e-mail also said opting in to take the test in Vancouver instead of waiting for the regional itinerant service could potentially qualify me to take the oath at the local ceremony in March. And if I take that test and pass it, and given that there is nothing on my application that they find particularly fishy, taking the oath in March seems like a likely outcome considering it falls within the proposed timeline too.
And the part that concerns you is that, extrapolating from this point, my guess is that they are waiting for the next exam and oath dates in Yellowknife to be determined to update your file. I just checked and couldn't find any upcoming ceremonies there. Also the regional itinerant services page was inaccessible, which made me think they are updating it with new entries. So this is all looking promising, they are probably updating the regional itinerant services first, and then the local ceremonies, and I don't think I'm talking science fiction here when I say there is at least a 51% chance that both of us will be entering the month of May as Canadian citizens. Come to think of it, they seem to know it for a fact that they're coming to my town in March, but it wasn't on the RIS page when I last checked. When they also know the dates they'll be offering a test and an oath ceremony in Yellowknife, they'll be ready to update you.
All that said, it doesn't hurt to call the 1-800 number and ask if your file has been transferred. I have a feeling the LOT line has been omitted from all application updates permanently, and your file has probably been transferred by this time. I think they're also able to tell you on the phone if it's transferred. I called them to update my file with my new employment information, and the woman on the phone said she couldn't update my file but she could give me the contact information to send the updates. The information she gave me pertains to the Vancouver office, not Sydney NS. I thereby concluded it was transferred. You could at least try that trick, if not ask directly whether or not your file has been transferred.