Hi nncs

How are you doing? Thank you so much!!! This was such a long, painful, and very stressful process, but thank God it is over with. It feels like such a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders!!!
nncs said:
1) How did you end up w/ the IO's contact info in Sweden and his phone number and stuff? -- I might keep that in mind since my husband has to attend an interview in Stockholm too.
My husband's interview was in Stockholm at the Canadian Embassy in Sweden. I don't have the IO's direct phone number, what I would do is call the Canadian Embassy in Sweden and ask to speak to that particular IO. The receptionist would sometimes put me through to him and other times she would tell me that he does not take any personal calls. However, these past few months I was really putting on the pressure by calling every week and insisting to speak to him. If your husband's interview is at the Canadian Embassy in Sweden, the best thing for him to do is know what the name of his IO is. That way you or your husband can try calling the Canadian Embassy in Sweden and ask the receptionist to speak to that IO -- they might just put you through. As for getting in contact with London, there is absolutely no way to get in contact with London by phone -- the only way is by email.
nncs said:
2) You husband had his interview so close to the time it started processing in London, I've been waiting to have an interview scheduled for almost 4 months now; do you think they're doing background checks in the meantime? I REALLY hope the case isn't just there sitting and pending an interview date only and AFTER the interview they go for background checks - that's my biggest nightmare. Any thoughs for people that have had to wait so long for an interview dat?
I am not sure. In our situation the background checks happened after the interview. The IO that I spoke with told me that background checks normally happen after the interview. However, I do know of others who have had their backgrounds checked and cleared before the interview date was sceduled and the interview for them was the last step in the process. I also know of some who have had their backgrounds checked and cleared and then the interview was waived. So, I'm not sure -- I guess it depends on a case-by-case basis. If I were to take a guess, I would guess that since you have been waiting for such a long time for an interview to be scheduled that they are doing the background checks.
nncs said:
3) Does your husband carry an Iraqi passport or a Swedish travel document?
My husband carries an Iraqi passport and Swedish permanent residencey. No Swedish citizenship or passport.
nncs said:
4) Was your husband working/studying at uni/studying language in Sweden?
My husband was working and studing Swedish language and society. My husband completed all his school and university in Iraq.
nncs said:
Ohhhh ONE more question,
5) What were your updates like on e-cas throughout the entire process? Mine only says "We have started processing your application on February 10, 2010" THAT'S IT.
E-cas never updates. The only time it actually helped was to inform us on the date of the interview as my husband never did receive a letter in his mail. The status of my e-cas still says that it is "in prcess" and all that it say is "We started processing your application on January 8, 2009. Interview scheduled for March 26, 2009." I believe the only time it will change is when the visa is stamped in the passport.
Inshallah, you will hear something very soon. To encourage you, for the people that I know who had to wait months before their interview was scheduled, once they had their interview, their applications were finalized soon after. They got their passport request days after their interview.
Please keep me posted on your case. I will continue to pray for you and your husband. I know exactly how both of you feel.