Hi, I have some questions about filling this form.
- Because a signature is needed, I assume that I need to fill it out on the computer, print it, sign it and then scan it?
- In the Employment section, what do I do if I've had more than three jobs during the past 10 years? Write the rest of the details on the back side of the printed form and then scan that?
- "The cost of my studies will be..." I'm going for a 4-year Bachelor's degree, so do I write down the total cost of the tuition fees for the whole duration of study? It says on http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-how-documents.asp that the minimum amount of funds needed to show is only one year's tuition fees + $10,000. So it's fine if the number I write down in the "Funds available for my stay" field is less or only slightly more than the total cost of the tuition fees? Because in this field, I should only include the funds I have proof for?
Also, if anyone experienced would like to read and comment on my SOP, I'd appreciate it a lot. Post here or PM me and I'll PM it to you. The SOP will probably be important in my case, since I already have a Bachelor's degree and am going for another one.
- Because a signature is needed, I assume that I need to fill it out on the computer, print it, sign it and then scan it?
- In the Employment section, what do I do if I've had more than three jobs during the past 10 years? Write the rest of the details on the back side of the printed form and then scan that?
- "The cost of my studies will be..." I'm going for a 4-year Bachelor's degree, so do I write down the total cost of the tuition fees for the whole duration of study? It says on http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-how-documents.asp that the minimum amount of funds needed to show is only one year's tuition fees + $10,000. So it's fine if the number I write down in the "Funds available for my stay" field is less or only slightly more than the total cost of the tuition fees? Because in this field, I should only include the funds I have proof for?
Also, if anyone experienced would like to read and comment on my SOP, I'd appreciate it a lot. Post here or PM me and I'll PM it to you. The SOP will probably be important in my case, since I already have a Bachelor's degree and am going for another one.