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Applying Inland questions.


Full Member
Aug 25, 2013
Ontario Canada (as a visitor)
Job Offer........
Hello and thank you for your time reading my question.

I am from America, and moving in with my fiance very soon. we are unsure if we are going to go through common law (as the year will help us save a bit more money before starting the immigration process) Or just get married and start. However, my question is...before I leave America, is there anything I need to do before I go? I heard someone say that they had to get their criminal background check in their home country, Is this true? Can I do everything in Canada for the immigration process?


Could someone give me a small blueprint or list in order that I will have to do for the immigration process, for example

1. Get medical and Background
2. Apply for spousal sponsorship
3. Apply for Permanent residence once approved for Spousal Sponsorship.

^^ Just an example, I'm sure i'm terribly off on this. Just wondering a List in chronological order

My fiance and I have a bit of an idea on all that goes into this as we've been reading and studying up on all that goes into it, however a few things we are just confused on. This entire process is a bit scary and intimidating, and we just want to make sure that when I go out there this time, We will be able to stay together and just complete the entire process in Canada and I wont have to be separated from him.

Thank you so much for your time and input. :)


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Jun 8, 2010
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Start by reading the first post in this thread:



VIP Member
Oct 22, 2013
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You might get better visibility with your questions by posting in the Family Class Sponsorship forum.

I'm in a similar situation (American that has found the love of his life, but she happened to be from Canada), so...I'm now in Canada. :)
There are wonderful, helpful people in these forums that will be glad to help, but I'll share what I have gleaned from my research:

What is your current plan for entering Canada? It may not be a good idea to tell the CSBA that you're coming to Canada to live with your fiance.
The consensus seems to be that coming to visit, is the best `story'. You [visitor from America] are automatically given 6 months [as a visitor] unless told otherwise by the border agent. This allows you to be together for 6 months and could also start your Common Law `clock'. You would need to leave @ 6 months and re-enter Canada (maybe the following day) and would be given another automatic 6 months. Voila'...you would have now been living together for 12 months and would qualify to apply as a Common Law couple. However...This is where it gets rather complicated (IMHO):

You have two ways to apply; Outland [faster] or Inland [slower], but you could remain in Canada for the duration of the process. There are many factors that you need to consider before deciding on the `path' that works best for you (i.e., will you need to work while in Canada), so you'll need to do some homework. The only real advantage to applying Inland, is that it allows someone that has stayed beyond their 6 months (overstay) to remain with their partner while the application is being processed. If you and your fiance want to live together `no matter what', this might be your best option, but again...do your homework...please!

To answer your questions:

1. If you decide to apply Inland, there will be an approximate delay of 11 months before your Sponsor [fiance] is approved (this is known as Stage 1 approval). Since your medical is only valid for 1 year and the FBI check is only valid for 3 months...you can see the obvious dichotomy. Because of this, some applicants have submitted their application without medical and FBI (or PCC) and waited for CIC (Immigration Canada) to request them when they need them. There is no official recommendation to do this, but many have stated that they did and was not penalized for doing such.

You do not need to be living in your home country. You can have your fingerprints taken in Canada, mail the fingerprint card to the FBI and have the letter mailed to you in Canada.

2. see above

3. These happen simultaneously, since the sponsorship is, in essence, your fiance sponsoring you for Permanent Residence. :)

I'm still one of the newbies here, but I can assure you that you will find nothing but support from this wonderful community of caring people...including others that are just as `confused' and scared.

Good luck!