Hey you guys,
I just finished my landing and back to the States. Here is my experience for official thing (and later on with some "chicks" - keep on reading, it won't be long)
I drove my own car to Buffalo and crossing Peace Bridge to the other side without any serious delay (it took me about 30-40 min just to cross the bridge which is not bad at all). I didn't have to talk to any US custom getting out of the states (which was weird - I don't know about other US-Canada borders) drove directly to 15-lane-welcoming-porch and were directed to the "building" for further landing process. I was well-prepared, however it would never be enough, I was a little scare of "everything"...
The lady officer was nice to me seeing my pale face after waiting 30 minutes in the long line (I don't know what the heck is happening there, there are 2 families, 4-5 members each came before me for "landing too" and it took them forever to finish). After all, I was able to show off my bank statement, Car title, goods to follow lists and other paperworks. She didn't really care, check my passport, asked several questions like "What's your full name, BOD etc." and told me to give her the number of funds (she didn't take a look at the bank statement). Finally, she stamped the CORP, and asked me whether I know how to maintain the PR status (You know I can tackle well, right) and congrats me being a PR in Canada. And that was not all...
I will be back to the forum tomorrow for the later part o my story

. Keep in touch