basmalahh said:
Hi canada0801,

To be frank, I don't see it "abuses" as much as "processing".
They do take longer than they said it would take & yes they aren't really fair to everyone (e.g. NDVO & Phili VO.s are much more faster than other VOs), but really where in the world is anything 100% fair?!
Atleast when you go to court there, you do take your right as the people who filed a trial against Kenney.
The process requires ofcourse improvement, but maybe we can contribute to that one day once we are there.
On the other hand, nothing comes without effort.
Being subject to twice as projected, very lengthy, depressing , "you must wait, we won't tell you nothing, don't ask when..." sort of processing is nothing like putting an effort to get the results.
Nobody asked them to publish false promises, ask for fees (they are not doing a charity, hello! they are paid for it, we pay them their salaries), collect 10 times more apps than they had resources and will to process and then treat people like dirt, without even answering case status inquiries.
This is not just "unfair", this is beyond conscionable.
I do not ask for perfect world or 100% fairness. Just play by the rules you set and do what you demand of your applicants! We pay we are owed processing. If we took credit and paid over 10 years then fine, they could also take their times. If we only ever paid 20% of listed price , again, we could be content for unaccounted delays.
But look how many hoops they put us through! Look how many hurdles we had to pass through! Look how much we invested in this! And they won't even answer our emails to tell us what is going on when their ecas is dysfunctional and everyone on this board has his own version of what one or another ecas means.
How is this even possible in the first rate , top five to live in the world country?
Something is seriously wrong here and I am not about to pretend that everything is just fine. It isn't!
And ever since this revolutionary , pseudo-"Conservative" Minister came to power things only became worse. His last Lie was that by halting FSW from July 1st they will be able to free and use more resources for processing of back loggers, where is the improvement now, does anyone see any?
Local Consulates won't even answer any inquiries you send them, what is it they are so overwhelmed with? DO they process 10 million applications a day?
Even here, in US, where they have far from perfect Immigration Service, still you can schedule an INFOPASS and go speak directly to an Officer about your case, what can you do if CIC never replies to your emails? You can't even go to their embassy to ask what's going on ,the guards will throw you out , what kind of bureaucracy is that man?
That's mind boggling! I applied to Canada because I thought it's better than States, now I see it's 100 worse than here, so why why did I even bother to apply, stupid me, and now it hurts because so much was invested for nothing....
Anyway, sorry for my rant, just had to let it out.
Wish you all good luck and safe landing.