lol Mitali,
Thanks but wasn't looking for compliments, just keeping Sonir updated.
My two bits on the job hunt scene:
Canadian experience is definitely a thorn in the side of the new job seeker. Two ways you could get by this:
1) By default if you belong to a profession that is so very specialized that labour is indeed difficult to come by, job hunt sites should do the trick. Remember to get your education equivalency done.
2) If the above is not the case (and for the majority of us, it is not), then do the following:
a) Get your CV formatted in the way they want it done here.
b) Pre-contact available references.
c) Hit the job boards - workopolis, kajiji (menial jobs but high closure rates and jobs posted every 10 mins) canadajobs, eluta, etc. and if applicable more specialized boards in your field eg: Hcareers for hospitality etc.
d) This is "THE" most important / effective way to get your foot in the door for interviews and how I got mine. "Cold Calls". If you're from India this can be quite off putting given our experience and our behaviour

with cold callers, how ever, I got my job walking into hotels and asking for the managers by name, and handing my resume to them. A lot of them actually appreciate the initiative and this way they have seen you, and can intelligently decide whether you'll fit into the work / organization culture.
e) Network, network, network - don't be ashamed to ask around for jobs or advise. Canadians are very very helpful.
I'm not including the obvious "looking for a job" pointers as I'm sure we're all ok with those.
Lots of luck!!!