doctorahmed said:
dear queen
should i be in canada to ask for this service?as i am outside canada
they will provide these data by regular mail or by e mail?
i dont have any one in canada noe?
still i can ask for that?
your advice
Hi doctorahmed,
Queencougar's information on CAIPS is for people who are either residing in Canada or have a friend/relative who can order CAIPS for them. I am just adding some more information to QC.
People who are not in Canada or don't have friends/relative in Canada have to apply for CAIPS through other agencies who can order it for you. Different companies have different rates ranging from $25-45CAD. You have the option to receive CAIPS either by mail or by Email. Please check the links below which I had post just sometime back.;msg891108#msg891108;msg896337#msg896337
The following are some web links to request CAIPS:
Hope this helps.
NB: CAIPS is short for 'Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'. It is the computer system historically used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application being processed by overseas offices (i.e. those outside of Canada), other than new applications at offices which have switched to using the 'GCMS' system.