kpkinnera said:
15th Aug,2011
I am planning to start my business or new job here once results does't come positive but the waiting game spoiling my carrier life plan......
Please note that Dr.Hasib is just guessing. It's light-hearted fun to make predictions, so that's ok, but please don't take those predictions too seriously.
Individual case processing at the visa office can very greatly from applicant to applicant. Each application has different levels of complexity, involves checks sometimes across multiple countries, and third parties are sometimes used for part of the background document checks which can add delays outside of the control of the visa office. Individual immigration officers may also work at different speeds.
So you could get your MR tomorrow, or it could take several weeks yet. No way of telling until it arrives.
You have been "In Process" for about 8 weeks, so hopefully your MR should be fairly quick, especially if you are not scheduled for an interview.
I'd be tempted to throw the visa office a case-specific query just to make sure they have not already been sent, since 2 months in process does seem quite a long time - but be sure to word it "Do you need any further documents or information from me?" rather than "Hey please tell me what's going on with my case!"
Best of luck,