ane said:
Hai string
I also had the same problem. I am the principal applicant and i am here in canada since 2009. I didnot send orginal experience certificates as it was hard for me to get everything from back home. So i send a notarized copy of the experience letter with a letter of explanation.
Just sharing my's up to you
You are absolutely right Ane,
When Principal Applicant can prove her/his experience provide a written explanation and any documentation (i.e. employment contracts, work descriptions, performance appraisals describing job duties) that would support your claim to such employment and provide the information ............ the coapplicant also can do it by a written explanation.
Read the BUFFALO VO check list... string...
For the principal applicant:
•original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers for the past 10 years.
Letters must be:
•written on company letterhead,
•signed by the responsible officer/supervisor,
•show the company's full address, telephone and fax numbers, email and website addresses, and
•stamped with the company's official seal (if applicable).
Letters must include all of the following information:
•the specific period of your employment with the company
•the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position
•full details of your main responsibilities and duties in each position
•your total annual salary plus benefits
•the number of hours worked per week
•a business card of the person signing
If you cannot provide a reference from an employer, provide a written explanation and any documentation (i.e. employment contracts, work descriptions, performance appraisals describing job duties) that would support your claim to such employment and provide the information as set forth above.
For the accompanying spouse or common-law partner:
•original and up-to-date letters of reference, including all details as specified above, in respect of any employment in Canada under a work permit.
•a copy of the work permit.
thanks Ane