Interesting thread.
While perhaps mosquito was a bit quick to cry foul on the "asking for a friend" aspect, which does indeed seem genuine, the overall sentiment is, I would say, spot on.
To a reasonable, objective observer, we have a couple acting in very immature fashion. They have embarked together on a process that needs to be taken seriously and they have allowed it to become derailed by a disagreement. Instead of acting like adults and working through things and deciding together, on mature reflection, whether to remain as a couple and to decide together whether to keep the PR application alive, one of them fires off and cancels. Then, after some conciliatory noises are made, they try to put Humpty Dumpty together again and put the thing back on track. I must say, what some like to call the "optics" of the whole debacle, are deplorable.
I would hope that juices is right and that any fresh application will attract very close scrutiny by the IRCC. I would have to think that, in assessing whether a relationship is "genuine", the IRCC must somehow evaluate whether it has any prospect of success. I join with moscato in seeing it as doomed to fail. If it is now on such a shaky foundation that one partner, in a fit of pique, has gone so far as to withdraw the application, that speaks volumes about the nature of the relationship.
This is a relationship that, more likely than not, will be sailing troubled waters from the outset. Very volatile. Marked by interludes of hostility. The kind of relationship that sees police being called to a domestic dispute, the woman seeking refuge in a women's shelter (even though likely an unnecessary step, it invokes a delicious air of drama) and, in the end, likely to spin out of control and the wheels fall off.
I recognize that my assessment might be wholly erroneous. My knowledge of the background is undoubtedly lacking. Maybe these two have been together in a solid relationship for long years and some unforeseen and unusual stressor caused a rift that will pass. I doubt that, but who knows?
But again, I would hope and expect the IRCC to subject any renewed application to a much heightened level of scrutiny. Canadian family courts are not really looking for new work.