AoA, i discussed issue of giving blood for medical test in fast with one tableeghi jamaat bhai , so he did'nt reply me at same time but after reaching home he check this issue in molana yousuf ludhianvi book, so there is cleary mention that in fast if u have to give blood sample for some reason like medical test, that will not affect on ur fast, so please all my brothers, i think we dont have to ignore fast, our islam is not rigid and Allah knows what we have in our heart, Also pray for my medical call in this holy month bc 91 days are over , i still have no signal from CHC, Allah kareem hay

Note: if any one still feel querry for fast so dont leave fast, its better 1st discuss the issue with any aalim of nearest mosque bc they know better than us, and i think if hashim amla can do tripple century while he was in fast so dont think that if we go for medical in fast so it will effect our medical .