Bro firstly u will meet ppl here that would say hey go for a gaurd job / secutiry as it pays well and u dont have to much either for it. Thats true ; u really dont have to do nything to get that 1000 dollar cheque but think for a min was that enough pay of for all your freaking burnt nights , and hardwork that u had done for ur profession ? I guess not. It might take time in the starting to get settle in ur profession but in the long tun definately this eill pay lot more than what u could get as a gaurd after 5 year.
Referain from copying or cheating here. What u call chapa back home. Its rare that u will get caught because these guys trust u but if u do then ue next destination in pak. No more words than this. So this is what ppl do here and to be honest we are notorious in this scope unfortuantely.
Please dont do that