Hey guys if eligibility is from 2014-07-30 to 2019-07-30
Can we sign application on same date 30? Or after 31st?
It works in the opposite direction. The date the application is signed is what determines the eligibility period. If the application is signed on July 30, 2019, that establishes the five year eligibility period is July 29, 2014 to July 29, 2019.
@last_try observed, a PR can complete and sign the application anytime after the applicant has credit for actual physical presence in Canada during the five year time period immediately prior to the date the application is signed (better to wait to have a good margin over the minimum). Thus it is common for PRs to apply significantly PRIOR to the fifth year anniversary of when they came to Canada to live (with temporary status or as a PR), so that, for some, a part of the five year eligibility period precedes the first time they ever came to Canada.