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Application Form Questions


Dec 4, 2013
Hi all,

My partner and I are slowly working through our applications to ensure we have all our information in order and all necessary supporting documents. However, I wanted to double/triple check some details since our situation is a little complicated.

First of all, my partner and I have travelled extensively during the past 5 years. We are applying outland to sponsor my partner (US citizen), since this seems the most efficient process. However, the plan is for us to return to Canada together, when we leave Australia. I will be working, and we have savings to help support the two of us financially, until he has working rights in Canada (PR Card).

Question 1: When filling out forms, should I reference the fact that my partner will be living with me, even though he is applying outland? ( ex. when stating his current address, whether we have signed a tenancy agreement together, listing who I am living with currently ) Could this cause problems?

Question 2: When the forms ask if I have resided anywhere else in the last 5 years, does this include countries where we have been travelling/living for 6+ months? Should I include these addresses since my partner and I were living together during these trips?

Question 3: What is the best way to organize and reference attached pages? For example, if the work history section is too small, how do I best show which attached page information continues on?

Question 4: As the sponsor, do I only need to complete forms 1344, 5481, 5491 and 5540, if we are applying without representation?

I truly appreciate all the help from friendly folks in this forum. Thanks again!


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1. If both of you will be in Australia at the time you file your application, the address should be the one in Australia. It depends how long you will be living there afterwards. Once in Canada, you can change the address of your husband and yours as well, at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/change-address.asp
It doesn't matter if it's an outland application, he can have an address in Canada with the "visitor" status, which he will have to maintain throughout the process.
In general, when you provide an email address in the application (for both the sponsor and the applicant) all correspondence from CIC will go there. It's only the COPR that will be sent via snail mail.

2. Yes, that includes any country you have stayed in for more than 6 months. Keep in mind that you will have to get police checks from all those countries. Your partener will have to fill out a form (schedule A background declaration) where he will have to list all his addresses and all the countries he's visited in the past 10 years or since the age of 18. You will also have to list in IMM5540 Question 8, if you resided in any country other than Canada - all your other addresses.

3. If there is not enough space on the form to answer a question in full, provide details on a separate sheet of paper. Indicate your name, the form's title and the number or letter of the question you are answering.

4. Yes, those are the form of the sponsor, excluding the representative. Form 5491 is actually just a checklist, but make sure you tick the boxes for all the documents included. The ones that do not apply to you (for example the representative, write NA next to the box.)