Fee payment
HOW have you made FEE payment for an elieghbilitiy rewiev of send documents for FSW (Federal Siklled Worker)?
Has enyone applied under mentioned category?
On a web the folowing info can be found:
How to pay the fees
*****Important: The instructions below do not apply to you if you submit your application through the Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Düsseldorf, Germany. Do not submit a financial instrument to the Canadian Embassy or make a direct deposit to our account. The processing fees must be entirely paid to the VAC Düsseldorf. Please consult their website for more instructions:
We accept two methods of payment:
1.Financial instrument (Canadian dollar certified cheque or money order): Send a financial instrument in Canadian dollars drawn on a Canadian bank, payable to The Receiver General for Canada, for the exact amount of the fee(s) in the table above. We will not accept financial instruments drawn on non-Canadian banks or the wrong amount. As most financial instruments are valid only for 6 months, please ensure that your financial instrument was issued no more than 30 days before you send it to us.
Attach the original financial instrument to your application.
2.Direct deposit or bank transfer: Follow the instructions below according to your country of residence.
If you pay by direct deposit, please provide us with the original bank receipt.
If you pay by bank transfer, please provide us with the original bank receipt or with a print out of the transaction (if done online).
We do not accept direct deposits or bank transfers for less than the exact amount of the fee(s) in the table above.
Please note that we will not pay administrative fees charged by the banks.
Country of residence:
- If you reside in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia or Switzerland you should pay in euros into:
Bank Austria - Member of UniCredit:
IBAN: AT40 1200 0506 7046 9901
- If you reside in Serbia, you should pay in Serbian dinars into:
Komercijalna Banka Ad Beograd, Kneza Milosa 83, Belgrade, Serbia branch
Account: 908-20501-70
Reference number: 400702-0070200003304.
I reside in Croatia, and I have made a direct bank transfer to Bank Austria with IBAN and SWIFT code mantioned above.
Sice I have filed my application to CIO and it was received on 3.7.2014, and by today I do not have any feedback from them,
I wonder have I made my fee payment correct (In that wait-time I began to doubt have I made some mistake regarding fee payment)
Can someone help me with this issue?
What is Your experience?