ghostrideryu said:
Thanks again! +1 for you
Fortunately we do not have any and yes they did mentioned it during phone call.
We are family of 4, do you have any idea how long will it take to have it done for all 4 of us?
We booked it for May 28th.
if their system doesn't fall, like it happened to us, it's really fast. we are family of 2 and we finished in half hour, with going to x ray total one hour.
it goes like this:
- first you wait for receptionist, he takes your passports and printed forms you got in email, enters data into the system, you pay to him and get receipts and document for x-ray
- then you go all together to nurse office, she takes blood, measures blood pressure, asks for height, weight, if you have any tattoos or similar. she also gives you cups for urine and explains where you leave it
- after that you go to the doctor separately (I guess kids go with parents), she asks if you have any regular therapy, if you had any surgery or similar, and conducts physical examination, you need to strip in underwear and she checks your lungs - breathing, abdomen (touches if any internal organs are swollen I guess), and that's it
- after you go to the x-ray, it's done in institute in Resavska... there we finished everything in less than 5 minutes total
after all that you're free to go home